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20 10 Vol1 20 No1 10 20 07 10 GUANGDONG E ECTRIC POWER Oct1 20 07 : 1007-290X ( 20 07) 10-00 01-06 范必双, 王玉凤, 王英健 (长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院, 长沙4 10 07 6) : 介绍了 一种高效的电力系统谐波检测方法该方法的 体系统设计从多方面考虑, 以提高谐波检测的精 度和速度, 因此, 选择高速高精度的A/ D 转换器件( ADS8364) , 确保采样值的精确度, 并采用锁相环( phase- locked loop, PLL) 技术来同步被测信号, 以减小由非同步采样所产生的误差重点介绍了基-4 FFT 的谐波测量 原理, 详细地阐述了这种高效的并行算法在现场可编程门阵列( f ield programmable gate arra , FP GA) 上的硬件 实现过程, 最后通过仿真验证了该方法的实效性 : 谐波检测; 现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) ; 基-4 FFT ; A/ D 转换器件( A DS83 64) ; 锁相环( PLL) : T M7 11 : A An Efficient Technique of Harmonic Measurement in Power system FA N B-i shuang, WA NG Yu-f eng, WA NG Y ing-jian ( School of Electrical and Inf ormation Engineering, Changsha Univ1 of Science and T echnolog , Ch angsha 4 10 07 6, China) Abstract: In this paper , an eff icient technique of harmonic measurement in pow er s stem is presented1 The s stem is designed to promote the accurac and speed of harm onic m easurement1 Firstl , the high speed and precision A/ D converter ( A DS83 64) is selected to ensure the precision of sampling data1 Secondl , the phase-locked loop( PLL) is used to s nchronize the tested signal to minish the error caused b as nchronous sampling1 In this paper, an em phasis is put on the harm onic measurement of the radix-4 FFT , and the hardware based realiz ation of the eff icient concurrent arithmetic on f ield programmable gate arra ( FPGA) is presented1 Last l , a sim ulation is carried out to validate the actual eff ect of the technique1 Key words: harmonic measurement; field programm able gate arra ( FPGA) ; radix-4 FFT ; analog-t o-digital converter ( A DS83 64) ; phase-locked loop( PLL) , , , , , DSP , ( ) , , , , , , ,



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