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地理信息系统:设计未来 GIS: Designing Our Future (美)杰克·丹哲芒撰文 马劲武译 李乃聪校 (USA)Jack Dangermond, Translated by MA Jin-wu, Proofread by LI Nai-cong 摘 要:随着社会的高速发展,人类对环境的压迫日益严重,似乎已接近临界点,造成环境系统失衡、损失难以挽回。我们 要首先意识到事态的严重性,提出可能的解决方案,并最终执行可行的补救措施。阐述了拯救环境的紧迫性并提出了一套通 过被称为“地理设计”的框架的有效的大地系统管理手段。它从伊安·麦克哈格颇具影响的名著《与自然共设计》中取得理论 灵感、从大地系统工程管理这样的综合学科中汲取实践经验。方法学上它得益于斯坦尼兹景观变化模型的支持。地理信息 系统在描述过去和现时的状况中游刃有余,但我们还需要将其功能扩展,使其能够用于设计未来——即把设计因素引入地理 信息系统框架,使其成为囊括一切的规划设计工具,让规划师、设计师用起来更加得心应手。已有一些早期试点地理设计软 件付诸实施,如ArcSketch即代表了这样一种认真的探索。尽管地理和设计存在已久,但“地理设计”作为一种学科还相对较 新。作者认为现在我们应刻不容缓地采用地理设计这一动议,协调一致、共同努力,以进一步防止环境恶化,使我们大家共享 的、日益变化的地球—人为大地—更加健康和长寿。 关 键 词:风景园林;地理设计;地理信息系统;环境;自然;景观变化 丹哲芒先生 文章编号:1000-6664(2010)04-0019-08 中图分类号:TU 986 文献标志码:A 收稿日期:2010-03-13;修回日期:2010-03-31 Abstract:Abstract: We are living in a highly developed world that is reaching a tipping point caused by the imbalance and irreversible damage placed on the environment by humanity. First, we need to realize the urgency of the matter, and then propose possible solutions or strategies, and finally implement feasible remedies to this situation. This paper suggests the urgency of taking immediate action to protect the environment and proposes an effective means of earth system management via a framework called GeoDesign. The concept of GeoDesign draws inspiration from the theoretical foundation laid out in Ian McHargs seminal work Design with Nature and from other related holistic fields such as Earth System Engineering and Management in practice. Methodology wise, it follows the Steinitz Model of Landscape Change. Thus far, GIS has successfully mapped out our past and current situations, but we need to expand its power to help us design our future. We need to integrate design elements into the existing GIS framework to make it an effective, friendly, all-encompassing planning and design tool. Some e



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