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36、fair [fZE] a.①公平的,合理的;②相当的,尚好的;③晴朗的;④金发的;n.集市,交易会,博览会 【真题例句】 To be fair (a.①), this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.[1997年阅读2] 【例句精译】 平心而论,人们对加拿大人也有这样的评论,因而,应当认为这是北美的普遍现象。 【真题例句】 In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs (n.) and at the industrial fairs in major cities.[1996年阅读4] 【例句精译】 在美国,奖励新发明的大量奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。 fashion [5fAFEn] n.①流行式样(或货品),风尚,风气;②样子,方式;vt.形成,制作,塑造 【真题例句】 More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion (n.①), companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another.[1999年阅读2] 【例句精译】 最近,在网络已被证明不是一时的时髦之后,公司间便开始(在网上)交易产品和服务。 【真题例句】 His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied reengineering in a mechanistic fashion (n.②), chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.[1998年阅读2] 【例句精译】 他的同事迈克·比尔说,太多的企业以机械的方式进行重组,降低了成本却没有考虑到长远效益。 【真题例句】 If the Administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning (vt.) conservation measures.[2005年阅读2] 【例句精译】 假如政府当局没有采取司法行动,议会就应该协助来推广环保措施。 feature [5fi:tFE] n.①特征,特色;②(报纸或杂志)特写;③容貌,面貌;v.给显著地位 【真题例句】 The complementary coastlines and certain geological features (n.①) that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined.[1998年阅读5] 【例句精译】 但互相吻合的海岸线和某些似乎跨越海洋的地质特征表明两个大陆曾经连在一起。 【真题例句】 70. This passage appears to be a digest of _____.[1996年阅读5] [C] a magazine feature (n.②) 【例句精译】 70、本文似乎是_____的摘要。 [C] 一份杂志特写 【真题例句】 68. Kitcher’s book is intended to _____.[1996年阅读5] [B] expose the true features (n.③) of creationists 【例句精译】 68、肯切尔的书旨在_____。 [B] 披露所谓科学创世论者的真实面目 【真题例句】 Our magazines feature (v.) beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.[2006年阅读4] 【例句精译】 我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。 field [fi:ld] n.①田,田野;②运动场;③领域,方面;④实地,野外 【真题例句】 The point is that the players who score most are the ones who take the most shots at the goal


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