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Test 2   1. This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road.   A. blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained   2. He did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply.   A. wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury   3.When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away.   A.framed B.frosted C.frowned D.floated   4.If you need further information, please _______ our office.   A.constant B.construct C.contact D.contain   5.During the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease. A.bulledts B.devil C.bible D.depth 答案:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A   6.We watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance.   A. point B.jar C.stove D.dot   7.The English proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’ means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character.   A. rule B.rug C.clap D.spare   8.The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.   A. worm B.trial C.tube D.criminal   9.Higher education in China is free but the _______ for entrance is strong.   A. comparison B.consequence C.competition D.crawl   10.The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more. A. rid B.ripe C.soup D.dim 答案:  6.D 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.D  11.The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.   A. sprayed B.puzzled C.inclined D.exported   12.In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them.   A. orders B.conquers C.executes D.hedges   13.She is too _______ to answer questions in the class.   A. eagle B.cough C.eager D.couch   14.We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun.   A. beams B.beans C.beef D.beer   15.In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot. A. extensive B.mechanical C.mercury D.opera 答案: 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.A  16.He gave up his study in college in _______.   A. bundle B.butcher C.ash D.despair   17.Several people _______ the car accident.   A. witnessed B.proved C.swallowed D.drugged   18.They will ___


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