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第34 卷 第4 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 34 No. 4 2010 年4 月 Power System Technology Apr. 2010 文章编号:1000-3673 (2010 )04-0024-06 中图分类号:TM 71 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·40 电力系统电压稳定机理研究 汤涌,仲悟之,孙华东,林伟芳,易俊,张鑫 (中国电力科学研究院,北京市海淀区 100192 ) Study on Mechanism of Power System Voltage Stability TANG Yong, ZHONG Wu-zhi, SUN Hua-dong, LIN Wei-fang, YI Jun, ZHANG Xin (China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China) ABSTRACT: It is the key problem for further development of 远距离、大容量的电量交换,使电力系统规划、 the research on voltage stability to correctly understand the 建设及受端系统的安全稳定运行及其相关问题得到 mechanism of power system voltage stability. On the basis of 关注[2-6] 。随着电力工业的快速发展,受端系统的规 analyzing both the definition of voltage stability and its 模在不断扩大,近年来国内外许多受端系统都出现 mathematical models, the definitions of voltage stability and voltage collapse with determinate physical meanings are given. 了用电负荷迅猛增长、最高用电负荷占全网比重逐 The voltage stability mechanisms of pure resistance circuit and 渐增加的情况。而受端系统内部主力电厂建设不足, AC circuit are researched respectively to explain the 大量的电能需要远距离传输,受端系统对外来电力 mechanism of power system voltage stability, and the voltage 的依赖程度不断提高,导致电网安全稳定运行的主 stability mechanism of power system is explained in three 要矛盾从功角稳定问题转化为电压稳定问题。 aspects, i.e., transmission limitation of power network, 在我国电网的发展历程中,受端系统的安全稳 dynamic characteristics of power load and voltage support at receiving end system. 定运行一直是电网规划、建设和运行中关注的主要 KEY WORDS: power system; voltage stability; voltage 问题。我国典型大规模受端系统(如京津唐、长三角 collapse; transien


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