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Page ? * * * 戴加平 浙江省嘉兴教育学院 历史教学研究员 浙江省特级教师 QQ号:951965241 Jiaping Dai Teaching Research Staff Professorial Special Grade Teacher in History Jiaxing Institute of Education Zhejiang Province * 人才济济的嘉兴历史教师团队 An excellent team of our high school history teachers in Jiaxing 嘉兴团队的愿景是——— 改变嘉兴的历史课堂 影响浙江的历史课堂 贡献全国的历史课堂 The WILL of our team — Innovate history course in Jiaxing City Power history course in Zhejiang Province Contribute to history course in China * 引导高中历史教师 明晰并践行主要使命的探索 这是嘉兴团队集体智慧的结晶 The Leading of an exploration of High School history teachers to clarifying and practicing their major missions A team achievement * 一、高中历史教师的主要使命 1. The main mission of a high school history teacher 二、高中历史教师在社会发展中的地位 2. The social development status of a high school history teacher 三、引领高中历史教师践行主要使命的路径 3. Methods for leading high school history teacher to practicing major missions 本次提交的论文主要阐述三个问题: Three major issue address in the paper: * 高中历史教师的主要使命 The main mission of a high school history teacher 固有使命:传递民族精神 Inherent mission: spread the national spirit 新使命:培育公民意识 New mission: cultivate civil awareness * 高中历史教师在社会发展中的地位 The social development status of a high school history teacher 或许影响不了当下社会 May not affect current society 但可以影响未来社会 May affect future society 历史教师应当成为中华民族中关注天空的群体。 Should be the nations eyes that looking at the stars. * 引领高中历史教师践行主要使命的路径 Methods for leading high school history teacher to practicing major missions 悉心培育有利于历史教师践行使命的小环境;在各类师训工作中渗入践行使命的意识;打造一个有使命感的专业团队;倡导有利于育人的教学模式;引导教师参与开发有利于实现历史教育功能的课程资源。 Nurturing a small environment that in favor of high school history teacher to practice mission, penetrating mission consciousness into all kinds of teaching research and practice work, creating a professional core team with cohesive sense of mission, advocating a history education model with a better way to educating civic awareness, guiding


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