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* Part 1 Good morning, everyone.This past week, weve seen the best and the worst of humanity. The heinous terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, in Iraq and Nigeria. They showed us once again the depths of the terrorist‘s depravity. 各位,早上好。在过去的一周里,我们见识了人性至善和至恶的一面。 恐怖分子在巴黎和贝鲁特,伊朗和尼日利亚犯下了令人发指的恶行。 他们再一次向我们展示了恐怖主义的邪恶之处。 Part 2 And at the same time, we saw the world come together in solidarity. Parisians opening their doors to anyone trapped in the street, taxi drivers turning off their meters to get people home safety, people lining up to donate blood. 而与此同时,我们看到了世界团结一致,站在了一起。 巴黎的人民向流落街头者敞开了大门,的士司机免费将乘客安全地载回家,人们排起了长队来献血。 Part 3 These simple human acts are a powerful reminder that we cannot be broken and in the face of terror, we stand as one. 人们的这些简单的举动很好地提醒了我们:在恐惧面前我们要团结一致,众志成城而不是一盘散沙。 Part 4 In the wake of these terrible events, I understand the anxiety that many Americans feel. I really do. I dont dismiss the fear of a terrorist bomb going off. 在这一系列的恐怖事件发生后,我知道许多美国人民心生焦虑,我很理解你们的心情。 我消除不了你们心头对恐怖分子的炸弹袭击的恐惧. Part 5 Theres nothing President Obama and I take more seriously though, than keeping the American people safe. 但我和奥巴马总统想得最多的就是保证美国人民的安全。 Part 6 In the past few weeks though, weve heard an awful lot of people suggest that the best way to keep America safe is to prevent any Syrian refugee from gaining asylum in the United States. 可是在过去的一周里,竟然有许多人向我们提议保证美国人民安全的最好方法就是阻止任何一个叙利亚难民获得美国政府的庇护。 Part 7 So let’s set the record straight how it works for a refugee to get asylum. Refugees face the most rigorous screening of anyone who comes to the United States. 因此让我们澄清它是如何工作的,如何使难民得到庇护。每个来到美国的难民都会面临最严格的筛选程序。 Part 8 First they are finger printed, then they undergo a thorough background check, then they are interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security. 首先他们会被采集指纹,然后会对他们进行彻底的背景调查,再然后由国土安全部对他们进行面谈。 *


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