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豆胶杨木单板层积材制备工艺研究 1 李文定 (湖北福汉木业集团发展有限责任公司 湖北 武汉 430040) 摘要:本文利用有重复双因素方差分析和 F 检验,研究了热预压温度和热压时间对豆胶杨木单板层 积材物理力学性能的影响。结果表明:板坯热预压温度越低,豆胶杨木单板层积材力学性能越好; 2 与热预压温度相比,热压时间对材料性能影响不显著;当双面涂胶量为 450g/m , 热压温度 160℃, 板坯压力 1.6MPa,热预压温度 70℃,热压时间为 100s/mm 时,豆胶杨木单板层积材的平均静曲强 度为 78MPa,平均弹性模量为 14.4GPa,平均水平剪切强为 7.8MPa,浸渍剥离只有 0.4% 。 关键词:工艺;单板层积材;大豆胶粘剂;杨木 Study on the Technology of the Poplar Laminated Veneer Lumber with Soybean Adhesive Wending LI (Hubei Fuhan Timber Co., Ltd, 430040, Wuhan, Hubei, China) Abstract : It was investigated in this paper that the technology of prepressing and hot pressing had influence on the physical and mechanical properties of poplar laminated veneer lumber (LVL) bonded with soybean adhesive. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance and F test were used to evaluate the influence on material properties of LVL. The test results showed that a lower mat prepressing temperature might be beneficial to the mechanical properties of LVL. The effects of hot pressing duration on the properties of this material were less serious than the effects of prepressing temperature. When the 2 prepressing temperature was 70 ℃ and hot pressing time was 100s/mm with glue spread amount 450g/m , hot-press temperature 160 ℃, mat pressure 1.6MPa, the mean modulus of rupture value was 78MPa, mean modulus of elasticity value was 14.4GPa, mean horizontal shear stren


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