
93.5 m打桩船设计研究.pdf

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93.5 m打桩船设计研究.pdf

NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING 船舶与海洋工程2014 年第3 期(总第99 期) 93.5m 打桩船设计研究 张 鹏 万 (原上海船舶研究设计院海工部,上海 201203 ) 摘要:在20 世纪,我国的打桩船均在内河和港内作业,船型小、功能低,21 世纪初,随着我国海洋工程的发展, 大型海上作业必须配备超大型打桩船。93.5 m 打桩船能打直径3 m、主桩重120 t 的大型钢桩,该船为非自航箱型 船,能抗7 级风(蒲氏风级)、水流速≤0.3 m/s、有义波高H1/3=0.8 m 。设计过程中,研究了该船的主尺度、线型、 不同工况稳性校核、船体结构、移船定位、锚泊设备、桩架受力分析和结构设计,并进行了耐波性和不同环境条 件的锚系泊受力分析,经总体设计,在结合专家评审方案设计的基础上,完成施工设计并建造成功。该打桩船以 优异的作业性能受到用户青睐。 关键词:打桩船;总体设计;桩架设计 中图分类号:U674.32 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4069 (2014) 03-0028-08 Abstract: In the 20 th century, small-sized and low-functioned pile driving barges were used to operate in inland rivers and harbors. Beginning from early 21st century, with the development of offshore engineering in China, large scale offshore operations demand super large pile driving barges. The 93.5 m pile driving barge can drive large steel piles of 3 m diameter and 120 t. The vessel is a non self propelled box type ship, and can resist Beaufort scale 7 wind, ≤0.3 m/s water current, and a significant wave height of H1/3=0.8 m. During the design, different elements such as main dimensions, lines, stability check of various loading conditions, hull structure, ship positioning, anchoring equipment, pile frame force analysis and structural design are studied; moreover, seakeeping, anchoring and mooring force analysis under different environmental conditions are performed; the detail design and construction of the vessel are successfully completed after the general design, which is based on the expert assessment design proposal. The excellent operation performance of this pile driving barge has attained high popularity of the clients. Key words: pile driving barge; general design; pile frame design 0 引 言 93.5m 打桩船是上海船舶研究设计院海工部


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