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·296 · Acupuncture Research, Aug.2011, Vol.36, No.4 ☆☆ 1 高 骏 刘旭光 颜贤忠  余曙光 吴巧凤 杜怀斌 梁繁荣 (成都中医药大学针灸推拿学院, 成都610075; 1 军事医学科学院国家生物医学分析中心, 北京100850) 【 】 代谢组学是后基因时代出现的 门新兴“组学”, 近年来代谢组学技术被日益广泛地运用于中医 药研究领域,但针对针灸作用规律与机制的代谢组学实验研究尚处于初步探索阶段,鲜有文献报道。本文阐 述了代谢组学在系统生物学中的独特优势, 及其在现代中医药领域的广泛研究基础,探讨将代谢组学与中 医、针灸契合的整体性、动态性等研究特点应用到现代针灸研究之中, 对应用代谢组学解决临床研究中假针 刺、时间针灸、针灸重大疾病及优势病种的机制研究、针灸处方配伍规律等现代针灸研究关键难题进行了初 步的探索与策略分析。 【】 代谢组学 针灸 研究策略 【】R 245-3 【】A  【】1000-0607(2011)04-0296-06 Primary Anylasisonthe Methodology and Strategies forStudyingMechanisms ofAcu-moxibus- tionbyUsingMetabonomics 1 GAO Jun,  LI Xu-guang,  YAN Xian-zhong ,  Y Shu-guang,  W Qiao-feng,  D Huai-bin,  LIANG Fan-rong 1 (School of Acu-moxibustion and Massage, Cheng du University of Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 610075, China; National Center f or iomedical Analysis, China Academy of Military Medical S cience, eij ing 100850) 【ABSTRACT】 Met abonomics is a new ly emerging modern technology in the Post-genome era and has been being used widely in t he st udy on modern Chinese medicine.But it have been rarely used in the study on acupunct ure t herapy.In the present paper, the aut hors int roduce the unique advantages of metabonomics in the sy stemt ic biology and its widespread studying basis in t he f ield of modern Chinese medic ine.Metabonomics and Chinese medic ine inc luding acupuncturology are of some s imilar characterist ics suc h as ent irety, comprehens iv eness and dynamic c hanges.Moreov er, t he aut hors make a primary discussion and st rat egic analy- s is on the key issues of researches about sham acupunct ure, chrono-acupuncture, mechanisms of acu-mox ibust ion underly ing im- provement of clinical severe disorders and various indicat ions pr


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