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City of New York Afterschool Parks & Recreation Program Agreement /parks 参与者协议、赔偿协议和风险确认 Participant Agreement, Agreement to Indemnify, & Risk Acknowledgment 关于City of New York 通过New York City Department of Parks & Recreation 及其代理人、管理人员、参与者、顾问、雇员和任何以其名义行事的个人或实体(以下简称为“THE CITY” )提供的服务,本人特此同意代表本人、本人的子女、家长、继承人、受让人、个人代表和财产免 除THE CITY 的责任如下: In consideration of the services of the City of New York, acting through the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, as well as their agents, officers, participants, consultants, employees, and all persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter referred to as THE CITY), I now agree to release & discharge THE CITY on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, Personal representatives and estate as follow: 1. 我确认此项目涉及到已知和未知的风险,可能导致我的孩子、财产或第三方的身体或情感伤害、瘫痪、 死亡或损害。我理解无法在不影响项目活动基本质量的前提下消除此类风险。为了尽可能减少这些风险 ,我同意遵守所有安全要求并充分利用提供的任何安全装置。 I acknowledge the activities of this program entail known & unanticipated risks, which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death or damage to my child, to property or to third parties. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the program activities. In an effort to minimize those risks I agree to follow all safety requirements and make use of any safety equipment provided. 这些风险包括但不限于: THE RISKS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: A. 活动性质。 Nature of the activities. B. THE CITY 或其他人士或实体提供的设备或物品状况的潜在或明显缺陷。 Latent or apparent defects or conditions in equipment or property supplied by THE CITY or other persons or entity. C. 本人子女或其他人使用THE CITY 或其他人士或实体提供的设备或物品。 Use of property or equipment supplied by THE CITY or other persons or entities by my child or others. D. 此项目其他参与者、THE CITY 雇员或代理人的行为。 Acts of other participants in this program, employees or agents


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