
ISL78322ARZ-T,ISL78322ARZ, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

ISL78322ARZ-T,ISL78322ARZ, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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ISL78322ARZ-T,ISL78322ARZ, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

Dual 2A/1.7A Low Quiescent Current 2.25MHz High Efficiency Synchronous Buck Regulator ISL78322 Features The ISL78322 is a high efficiency, dual synchronous step-down • Dual 2A/1.7A High Efficiency Synchronous Buck Regulator DC/DC regulator that can deliver up to 2A/1.7A continuous with up to 97% Efficiency, Low Iq (40µA) output current per channel. The channels are 180° out-of-phase for input RMS current and EMI reduction. The supply voltage • 180° Out-of-Phase Outputs Reduce Ripple Current and EMI range of 2.8V to 5.5V allows for the use of a single Li+ cell, three • Start-up with Pre-biased Output Prevents Negative Current NiMH cells or a regulated 5V input. The current mode control Flow in Output Stage architecture enables very low duty cycle operation at high • Selectable Forced PWM Mode and PFM Mode frequency with fast transient response and excellent loop stability. The ISL78322 operates at 2.25MHz switching frequency • External Synchronization up to 8MHz which allows for the use of small, low cost inductors and • Negative Current Detection and Protection capacitors. Each channel is optimized for generating an output voltage as low as 0.6V. • 100% Maximum Duty Cycle for Lowest Dropout • Internal Current Mode Compensation The ISL78322 has a user configurable mode of operation-forced PWM mode and PFM/PWM mode. The forced PWM mode • Peak Current Limiting, Hiccup Mode Shor


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