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SOUTH EA ST A SIAN STUD IES 2010 3 罗炜东 黄 忠 * ( 266520) [ ] ; ; ; ; [ ] , , , , , , , [ ] D822 [ ] A [] 1008- 6099 ( 2010) 03- 0061- 06 On ASEANsAcknowledgement and Response towardsChinasRise Taking ASEANsAdjustment of Foreign Policy of alancing amongGreat Powers asCase LuoW eidong Huang Z ong ( College of Foreign Languages, Q ingdao Tec nologicalUniversity, Q ingdao 266520, C ina) Keywords: ASEAN; C inas R ise; Acknow ledgement; R esponse; t e Foreign Policy of Balancing among Great Pow ers Abstract: T e attitude of ASEAN tow ards C inas rise is salutatory. Based on t is acknow ledgement, its foregone foreign policy of Balancing among great pow ers t atw asm ainly among t e t ree: C ina, America and Japan, as c anged delicately, w ic is alienating Am erica and Japan, w ile embracing C ina. T e reasons are related to t e transformation of international situation, t e c anged pow ers of t e t ree nations and t e utilitarian foreign policy of t e t ree nations tow ardASEAN. Have been faced w it t is, C ina s ou ld size up t e trend of events and take ad- vantage of opportunities to promote b ilateral relations from t e area of economy, politics, security and t e foreign policy of soft pow ers, etc, w ic lay regional foundations for its Foreign A ffairs Strategy ofHarmoniousW orld. , 21 , , , , [ 1] , , , , ,


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