application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the.pdfVIP

application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the.pdf

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application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the

nstituto Nacional de nvestigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria ( N A) Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2009 7(3), 645-651 Available online at ar SSN : 1695-971-X Appl cat on of near- nfrared reflectance spectroscopy for the est mat on of prote n and L-canavan ne contents n seeds of one-flowered vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem.) R. Sánchez Vioque*, M. F. Rodríguez Conde and M. de los Mozos Pascual Dep artamento de Cultivos Herbáceos, CIA Albaladej ito. Ctra. Toledo-Cuenca, Km. 174. 16194 Cuenca, Sp ain. Abstract n this work it has been evaluated the effectiveness of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (N RS) for the estimation of two constituents affecting the nutritional quality of the seeds of one-flowered vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem.): protein and L-canavanine, a toxic non-protein amino acid. The N RS calibrations showed good statistics with coefficients of mul- tiple determination (R2) of 0.97 for total protein and 0.95 for L-canavanine. The developed equations were further used to estimate the contents of protein and L-canavanine of a set of unknown samples (external validation). The equation for total protein was able to predict with an accuracy similar to that of the reference method showing a correlation (r2) between the reference and predicted values of 0.95. n the case of L-canavanine, r2 was only 0.72 and the equation was only effective to discriminate samples into groups of low, medium and high contents. Add t onal key words: animal feeding, antinutritional factors, legumes, neglected crops, N RS, plant breeding. Resumen Apl cac ón de la espectroscopía de reflectanc a en el nfrarrojo cercano para la est mac ón de los conten dos de pro- teína y L-canav



