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更多SAT 考试资料,请访问 PHYSICS The velocity of a wave on a string is given by the formula v = where T is the tension in the string and is the linear mass density of the string. Average velocity is a measure of total displacement over total time. 4 laws of themodynamics Zeroth Law If system A is at thermal equilibrium with system B, and B is at thermal equilibrium with system C, then A is at thermal equilibrium with C. First Law Consider an isolated system—that is, one where heat and energy neither enter nor leave the system. The First Law is just another way of stating the law of conservation of energy. The Second Law Perhaps the most intuitive formulation of the Second Law is that heat flows spontaneously from a hotter object to a colder one, but not in the opposite direction. 1Heat flow 2no machine can work at 100% efficiency 3ordered systems are liable to fall into disorder, but disordered systems are not liable to order themselves spontaneously. 4. time moves in the direction of entropy increase. Third Law It is impossible to cool a substance to absolute zero. The equation for the gravitational potential energy of a planet in orbit is Angular momentum l=Iw=mvr 2 moment of inertia of I = mr 更多SAT 考试资料,请访问 At very short distances, the strong nuclear force pulls protons and neutrons together with a much stronger force than the repulsion between like charges exercised by the electromagnetic force. Because of the strong nuclear force, a nucleus has a smaller mass than the sum of the masses of the individual protons and neutrons that make it up. This discrepancy, or mass defect, is the amount of matter that is converted into energy when the nucleus is formed, according to Einstein’s principle of mass-energy equivalence. The amplitude of the sound wave is related to how loud the sound is, and this is aff


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