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中国软科学 2008年第 10期 中国城市管理创新的一种尝试 叶裕民 ( 中国人民大学 城市规划与管理系, 北京 100872) : 城市管理被视为城市发展中问题最多公众满意 最低的领域之一传统城市管理的问题根源于 部 门化管理制 以及由此产生的各职能部门低成本高效率与整 个城市管理高成本低效率的城市管理悖 论C iti- PODA S模式运用现代计算机和网络技术, 进行全新的城市管理流程再造与制 改革, 根除传统城市 管理弊病, 实现中国城市管理的革命性突变和历史性进步, 推动中国城市管理由传统走向现代 : 城市管理; 技术与制 创新; C iti- PODA S模式; DCM IP : F 293 : A : 1002- 9753( 2008) 10- 0052- 13 C iti- PODA S M odel: A B rave T rial from T rad itional to M odern U rban M anagem en t in Ch ina YE Y u- m in (D ep ar tm ent of Urban P lann ing and M anag em ent, R enm in Un iv ersity of Ch ina, B e ij ing 100872, Ch ina) A bstrac t: U ban m anag em ent is w idely ega ded as one of the m ost p oblem atic and the most unsa tisfacto y fields in u ban deve lopm ent. T he fundam enta l lmi itation of t ad itiona l u ban m anagem ent is cont adiction betw een the low - cost / h igh- effic iency of s ing le functional institution and the h igh- cost/ low - efficiency of unita y u ban m anagem ent caused by the function- institutiona lized bu eauc acy system. By using m ode n com pute and inte net techno log ies, C iti - PODA S M odel ec ea tes a new p ocess of u ban m anag em ent and efo m s the institutions. T heM ode l he lps not only to e adicate the p oblem s in t ad itiona l u ban m anagem en t, but a lso to m ake g eat ach ievements in ea lizing the evo lution a y and histo ical p og ess in Ch ina s u ban m anagem ent wh ich is t ansfo m ed f om the t ad itiona l to the mode n u ban m anagem en t. K ey w ord s: u ban m anagem en t; techno logy and institution innovation; C iti- PODAS m ode;l DCM IP 20 51, 2009 80 , 2004 , , : 2008- 05- 16 : 2008- 10- 15 : 9


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