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2014年中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛 市决赛试题(大学组) 比赛形式(所有环节共计3分钟) ★ 第一环节:自我介绍+才艺展示(90秒) 每位选手准备一个不超过90秒的非乐器类“创意出场秀”,内容包括:英文自我介绍及相关才艺展示。 要求:1. 英语才艺展示环节要求必须是英语语言类节目,如英文歌曲、影视剧配音模仿、英语绕口令、英语故事、诗朗诵等; . 个性展示的环节,鼓励选手们展示自己特长,要有创意、有新意,所有环节都将以选手的英语能力为主要考核标准。 ★ 第二环节:题演讲 (60秒) 选手从个任意选择一个。《冠军金兰》之《冠军的》 《冠军金兰》之《冠军的》 冠军金兰》之《冠军的梦想》冠军金兰》之《冠军的》★ 第三环节:互动英文问答 (30秒) 选手需要准确、灵活地回答评委老师现场提出的两个问题。 问题提问范围:1. 和选手的题演讲内容有关;或 2. 参见附件中所给问题。 – What are the qualities of a good and successful student? 2. – What is your attitude towards cheating in exams? 3. – What are positive and negative aspects of using computer? 4. –Which celebrity/famous person would you like to meet? What would you do if you could spend a day with this person? 5. –What is the most important thing your parents have taught you? How has it helped you in your life? 6. –What do you think is the most important invention since 1950? Why? 7. – How would you describe your personality? If you could change one aspect of your personality, which would it be? 8. – How do you feel about getting old? Are you afraid of or looking forward to aging? 9. – Describe your best friend’s personality? What are some of the ways they have influenced your life in a positive way? 10. – There is a saying ‘To have a good friend you need to be a good friend’. Do you agree with this? How can you be a good friend? 11. – What is your general opinion of robots? Will robots replace humans? 12. – If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it? 13. –What is your best memory of your family doing something together? 14. – If you could be another person for a day, who would you be? Why? What would you do? 15. – If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be and why? 16. – What job would you most like to do in the future? How will you get this job? 17. – If you were going to a desert island and could take only three things with you what would they be? 18. – What is the most important thing in life to make a person happy? 19. – Do you have a mobile phone now? Do you t


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