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1. the way to…”去…的路” 常见搭配有:on one’s way to+地点名词或on one’s way+地点副词 the best way to do…做…..最好的方法 The best way to see London is by boat.(英译汉) (1)Do you know the way ______ Dongfeng Cinema? A. by B. to C. of D. for (2)在回家的路上我看到些美丽的花。 ____ ____ ______ _______ I see some beautiful flowers. (3)我不知道解这道数学题的方法。 I don’t know the way ____________(work out) the math problem. 2.get off 下车(船\飞机等) get on上车(船\飞机等) take off脱下;起飞 put on穿上 turn off 关上(收音机、电视、灯等) turn on 打开 fall off从...摔下来 (1)---Where should I get __ the train? ---Next stop. A. on B. off C. up D. to (2)My parents were _____ the plane when I arrived at the airport. A. get off B. getting off C. got off D. get on 1. go along ……to/ into….. 沿……走(来)到……. go along/ down 沿着…往前走 go past...经过...(相当于pass) go across (从表面)穿过 (相当于cross) go through (从内部)穿过 go straight ahead 一直向前走 同义句为:Go straight on. 【巩固练习】: (1) Go along this red street to Buckingham Palace.(翻译) (2)一直向前走,它在天安门对面。 Go ________ _______. It’s ______________ Tian’anmen. (3)沿着银行大街一直往前走,你会在左边看到一个图书馆。 ____ _____ the Bank Street, you can see a library _________ your ____________. 当你听音乐的时候穿过马路很危险。 It is dangerous ____ ______ _____ the street as you listen to music. 4. on a clear day 具体到某一天用介词on。 (什么时候用in/ at?) (1)在一个寒冷的日子里汤姆离开了他的家。 Tom left his home ______ ______ _______ _______. (2) He was born _______ the evening of August 28th, 1978. A. on B. in C. for D. at (3) Let’s go out for a barbecue ____Thanksgiving Day(感恩节). A. on B. in C. for D. at (4)Thanksgiving Day is ____ November, 2010. Well have a good time. A. on B. in C. for D. at 5.方位表达法 (1)on the left/ right在左/右边. 如:The bank is on the left.银行在左边。 Who is sitting on your right? (2) in front of在…前面 behind在…后面 next to在…旁边;紧挨着 (3) between…and…在…和…之/中间(两者之间) among 三者之间或三者以上 (4) opposite”在…对面” (5)on/at the corner of”在拐角处” in the corner of”在…的角落” (6) in the middle of在...中间 (7


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