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Personality Correlates as Predictors of Severity of Gambling.pdf

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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Honors Theses University Honors Program 5-1993 Personality Correlates as Predictors of Severity of Gambling J ohn H. Carrel Follow this and a itional works at : /uhp_theses Recommended Citation Carrel, John H., Personality Correlates as Pre ictors of Severity of Gambling (1993). Honors Theses. Paper 179. This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the University Honors Program at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact opensiuc@. Persomality and Severity ofOambling 1 Personality Correlates as Predictors of Severity ofGambling Jom H Carrel, Jr. Southern lllinois University at Carbondale Rwming Head: PERSONALITY AND SEVERITY OF GAMBLING , Personality and Severity ofGambling 2 Introduction Gambling has been in existence for thousands ofyeers. Records exist showing that gambling was prevalent in many ancient civilizatious such as Rome, Greece, China, and Persia. Today gambling is common world wide and continues to have an impact on society. In 1975, a U.S. survey indicated that sixty percent ofall Americans over the age ofl8 engaged in gambling ofsome form (Custer 1985). From the 1980s up to today, instituting gambling as an alternative form of state taxes has become increasingly more popular in the U.S. Those in mvor oflotteries argue that lotteries increase state revenues as well as curbing other illegal forms of gambling. Groups in opposition state that lotteries only increase revenue by a small percent, and that



