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合伙律师事务所发展对策研究 中国律师制度恢复25年,其改革与发展取得了巨大成就,其中最主要的是建立合伙律师事务所。合伙律师事务所是由三名以上的律师自愿组合,不要国家经费,不要国家编制,自收自支、自我约束、自我发展并由合伙人对该律师事务所的债务承担无限连带责任的一种律师事务所组织形式。目前,中国90%的律师事务所是合伙律师事务所。因此,扶持、完善合伙律师事务所就是扶持律师事业。 本文致力于探讨合伙律师事务所在新的市场环境下,如何调整和完善其发展策略,提高竞争力,扩大市场占有率。 首先,对合伙师事务所在我国发展的现状及特点进行描述和分析,并介绍了我国部分律师事务所已开始采用的大部分业务由律师事务所统一市场(客户)开发,按照律师专业、能力和特长统一整合调配,整合人力资源的经营模式。其具体操作是首先制定实施方案,然后建立案源报告、审查、奖励和案件统一受理、统一分配及主办制度。 其次,找出了不利于合伙律师事务所发展和管理的主要问题,并提出优化律师执业外部环境和推广并扶持名牌及规模律师事务所的建立等方面的政策和措施建议。 由于合伙律师事务所内部的经济体制管理对其发展是至关重要的,本文接着着重对目前合伙律师事务所内部的经济体制进行经济学分析,然后提出引入企业战略管理和供应链管理及成本管理的平衡计分卡方法来科学地完善经济体制管理,以解决合伙律师事务所内部管理问题。 最后,本文指出合理的合伙人制度和经营理念的转变是稳定和发展合伙律师事务所的关键。合伙律师事务所只有具备了合理的人力资源管理制度及真正树立了以市场为导向的经营理念才能在市场经济的环境中生存、发展。 关键词:合伙, 律师事务所, 平衡计分卡 Research on Development Strategy for Joint Venture Law Firms Li Jie Abstract The Chinese lawyer system restored 25 years ago has gained great achievement to which establishment of joint venture law firms contributes most. The joint venture law firm consisting of at least three lawyers is a law firm, without government funding and government headcount. It is financially independent, self-controlled, and self developed and its partners have unlimited liability for the firm’s debt. Now, 90% of the law firms in China are joint venture law firms. Therefore, support and improvement for the joint venture law firm will facilitate the whole lawyer business. This thesis will study how to adjust and improve the strategy of joint law venture firm in the new marketing conditions, how to improve the competition capacity and expand the market share. First, it introduces the states quo and characteristics of joint venture law firms in China. It points out an existing model of some law firms in which markets are mainly developed by the firm, and the lawyers are classified in accordance with their specialties. In this model, the first step is to make an implementation plan, then set up a whole system including the case report, checking, incentive way, the case acceptance, distribution and hand


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