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本科毕业论文 浅析《降E大调前奏曲与赋格》 Simple analysis《E major prelude and fugue》 学 院(系): 艺术与传媒学院 专 业: 音乐学(钢琴) 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 入 学 年 度: 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2015年5月20日 摘 要 巴赫是巴洛克时期著名的音乐家之一,他的作品总是富有条理,很有逻辑性。他的钢琴作品在其音乐创作中有着很重要的地位。巴赫创作的时代处在巴洛克时期,音乐风格追寻各种情绪的表现手段,在细节上注重装饰,强调情感的表达和充满戏剧性的对比,音乐语言以复调为主,重视旋律和低音声部,大小调和声系统的形成,使这个时期的音乐语言更加规范,音乐手段更加丰富,表现出一种不曾有过的热情,开始强调情感,注重装饰。在他大量的作品中以复调作品《十二平均律》曲集最为著名,在巴洛克时期钢琴作品中占有非常主要的地位,具有自己的独特魅力。巴赫他把复调音乐发展成主调音乐,大大丰富了音乐的表现力。他确立了键盘乐器十二平均律原则,使钢琴演奏在艺术方面也有了进一步的深化。在《十二平均律》钢琴曲集中,《降E大调前奏曲与赋格》是具有代表性的作品。文中以此首作品为例,对巴赫的写作手法与作品构思及演奏特色等进行分析,通过主旋律、调式调性、曲式结构、织体写作、演奏技法,多个方面来表现复调的最高典范,阐述这位伟大作曲家的情感风格与审美观念,以及复调这个音乐体裁所特有的魅力,他的别具一格带来的是作曲家巴赫独特的标志,在钢琴艺术史上有着不可磨灭的重要地位。 关键字:前奏曲;赋格;曲式分析;演奏分析 Abstract Bach is one of the most famous musician in Baroque period, His music composition is full of logic. His piano work plays an important role in his music creation. Bachs age in the baroque period, music style pursuit of various emotional expression means, pay attention to the decoration on the details, emphasizing the expression of emotion and dramatic contrast, mainly polyphony music language, pay attention to the rhythm and bass line, and the formation of a sound system, make the music of this period more formal language, music means more rich, showed a of passion, began to emphasize emotion, pay attention to the decoration. In a large number of his works in polyphonic works twelve equal temperament most famous album, in the baroque period piano works, has been one of the very major has its own unique charm. Bach polyphonic music he put development into advocate tone music, greatly enriched the musics expressive force. He established a keyboard instrument principle of twelve-tone equal temperament, and also make the piano in the arts have further deepened. In the piano, twelve equal temperament, prelude and fugue in e-flat major is representative works. First works as an example, on the concept


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