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22 3 Vol. 22 No. 3
2009 6 PR AI J n 2009
钱 堃 马旭东 戴先中
( 210096)
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TP 24
M otion A ctivity R ecogn ition Based on Abstract H idden M arkov M od el
Q IAN K n, MA X -Dong, DA I X ian-Zhong
(K ey Laboratory of Measurem ent and Control of Comp lex Systems of Engineering, M inistry of Education,
School of Automation, Southeast University, anj ing 210096)
R ecogn ition of h m an motion activity is essential in home-care robotic systems. In th is paper, a
probab ilistic approach is proposed for h man motion activity recognition based on the abstract h idden
M arkov model ( AHMM ). The AHMM is a w el-l s ited h ierarch ical model for representing goal-d irected
motions at d ifferent levels of abstraction. In th is model, the decision m aking process of agent is
eq ivalent to an abstractM arkov decision process (M DP). A model learn ing method is presented based
on expectation-maxmi ization algorithm to learn the observation model and the transition model respectively.
M oreover, approxmi ate inference of theAHMM is achieved by singR ao-blackw ellised particle filters and
thereby it enables efficient comp tation in recognizing motion patterns. U sing trajectories derived from a
vis al track ing system, several indoor motion patterns are recogn ized. Expermi ental res lts validate the
good performance of the proposed approach.
K ey W ord s H idden M arkov Mode,l Motion Estmi ation, Expectation-M axmi ization ( EM ) A lgorithm,
A pproxmi ate Inference, Motion Activity Recognition
* 863( No. 2006AA040202, 2007AA041703)
: 2008- 03- 24; : 2008-