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媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 扫兴 spoil one’s enjoyment 激发…的欲望arouse viewers’ desire to buy new products 占据头条 dominate the headlines, 歪曲事实 distort the truth 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 吸引媒体关注,保持低调 court media publicity, keep a low profile 夸张,夸大其词 exaggerate, blow ... out of proportion 逃避现实 escape reality 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 跨越时空传递信息 delivering information through time and space. 连接发送者和接受者 link the sender to the receiver. 了解时事 be informed of today’s events 把握全球资讯动态 give us access to global communication 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 支持正义事业 Support a just and righteous cause 保护民众权力 protect the right of public 引导舆论 give balanced views\help form a healthy public opinion 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 让人对现实麻木 deadens people’s perception of reality 增强民族凝聚力 contribute towards the spiritual integration of the country, 如实报道新闻 report news, issues and events as clearly as possible 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 塑造我们对生活的看法,定义我们是什么 shape our views in life and define what we are. 决定我们知道什么 decide what we see on television and what we hear on the radio. 夸张夸大以吸引眼球 Be exaggerated in order to capture the audience 媒体类话题词伙-动词导向 操控人的思想 Manipulate people’s minds; be constantly reached by mind-manipulating commercials 设定国家日程 set the national agenda 反映并保持我们社会的价值观和传统 reflect and sustain the values and traditions of our society. 工作类话题词伙-名词导向 就业市场,职业能力/素养 Job market, vocational skill 稳定,高薪 job security,higher pay 工作满足感,归属感 job satisfaction, sense of belonging to a team 成就感,挫败感 a sense of fulfillment/frustration 工作类话题词伙-名词导向 带薪休假,高级人才 paid holidays , highly skilled people, 职业道德, 工作经验 parameters of ethics, work experience 人才流失/用工荒,工作负担重/活太累 brain drain/loss,excessive workload 工作地点/单位, Workplace, 工作类话题词伙-名词导向 职业操守/道德/业界良心,工作前景/职业前景 work ethic, job prospects 弹性工作制/工作安排/工作日程 flexible arrangement 工作日程,日常工作 work schedule, routine work 体力活,脑力劳动 manual work/labor, mental work 工作类话题词伙-名词导向 工作危险, 职业病 occupational hazard, occupational disease 压力病 Stress-induced diseases 起的比鸡都早,干的比牛都累 a stressful and time-consuming job 工作类话题词伙-名词导向 工作节奏, 动力积极性 the pace of work,incenti



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