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Chapter 11: Artificial Intelligence 11.1 Intelligence and Machines 11.2 Perception 11.3 Reasoning 11.4 Additional Areas of Research 11.5 Artificial Neural Networks 11.6 Robotics 11.7 Considering the Consequences What is artificial intelligence? Although there is no universally-agreed definition of artificial intelligence, we accept the following definition that matches the topics covered here Artificial intelligence is the study of programmed systems that can simulate, to some extent, human activities such as perceiving, thinking, learning and acting. A brief history of artificial intelligence Although artificial intelligence as an independent field of study is relatively new, it has some roots in the past. We can say that it started 2,400 years ago when the Greek philosopher Aristotle invented the concept of logical reasoning. The effort to finalize the language of logic continued with Leibniz and Newton. George Boole developed Boolean algebra in the nineteenth century that laid the foundation of computer circuits. However, the main idea of a thinking machine came from Alan Turing, who proposed the Turing test. The term “artificial intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956. Intelligent Agents Agent: A “device” that responds to stimuli from its environment Sensors Actuators Much of the research in artificial intelligence can be viewed in the context of building agents that behave intelligently Levels of Intelligent Behavior Reflex: actions are predetermined responses to the input data More intelligent behavior requires knowledge of the environment and involves such activities as: Goal seeking Learning: procedural vs declarative knowledge Figure 11.1 The eight-puzzle in its solved configuration Figure 11.2 Our puzzle-solving machine Approaches to Research in Artificial Intelligence Engineering track Performance oriented Try to develop systems that exhibit intelligent behaviour Theoretical track Simulation oriented Try to develop a comput


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