a recombinant turkey herpesvirus expressing chicken interleukin-2 increases the protection provided by in ovo vaccination with infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis virus:重组火鸡疱疹病毒表达鸡白细胞介素-2的增加由传染性法氏囊病、传染性支气管炎病毒基因疫苗的保护.pdf

a recombinant turkey herpesvirus expressing chicken interleukin-2 increases the protection provided by in ovo vaccination with infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis virus:重组火鸡疱疹病毒表达鸡白细胞介素-2的增加由传染性法氏囊病、传染性支气管炎病毒基因疫苗的保护.pdf

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a recombinant turkey herpesvirus expressing chicken interleukin-2 increases the protection provided by in ovo vaccination with infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis virus:重组火鸡疱疹病毒表达鸡白细胞介素-2的增加由传染性法氏囊病、传染性支气管炎病毒基因疫苗的保护

Available online at Vaccine 25 (2007) 8529–8535 A recombinant turkey herpesvirus expressing chicken interleukin-2 increases the protection provided by in ovo vaccination with infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis virus I. Tarpey a,∗, A.A. van Loonb , N. de Haasb , P.J. Davis a , S. Orbell a , D. Cavanagh c , P. Britton c , R. Casais c , P. Sondermeijerb , R. Sundick d a Intervet UK, Walton Manor, Walton, Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK7 7AJ, UK b Intervet International, PO Box 31, Boxmeer 5830, Netherlands c Division of Microbiology, Institute for Animal Health, Compton Laboratory, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7NN, UK d Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201, United States Received 21 March 2007; received in revised form 26 September 2007; accepted 3 October 2007 Available online 24 October 2007 Abstract In ovo vaccination remains an attractive option for the mass application of vaccines to poultry, ensuring a uniform application of vaccine in a cost-effective manner. However, the number of vaccines that can be delivered safely by this method is limited. Several infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) vaccines can be given in ovo though most are delivered post-hatch and there are no currently licensed embryo-safe infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines. Reduction in the dose of vaccines given in ovo is one possibility to ensure embryo safety though efficacy can be reduced when low doses are used. We have investigated the use of embryo-safe IBDV and IBV vaccines and the effects of co-delivery of a turkey h



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