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第37 卷 第4 期 煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 37 No.4 2009 年8 月 COAL GEOLOGY EXPLORATION Aug. 2009 文章编号: 1001-1986(2009)04-0034-04 关于突水系数的讨论 刘其声 (煤炭科学研究总院西安研究院,陕西 西安 710054) : 煤层底板突水在我国华北型煤田矿井采煤过程中经常发生。带压开采条件下,预测底板突 水和评价突水危险程度的主要方法是突水系数法,但是关于突水系数计算、临界突水系数的确定 等还存在一些值得讨论和研究的问题。在阐述带压开采和突水系数理论的基础上,给出了突水系 数的各种计算公式及公式中有关参数确定方法,详细说明了临界突水系数的由来和应用条件,提 出了计算突水系数的新公式。新公式不仅考虑了水压和隔水层厚度,而且考虑了底板破坏深度、 导升高度和奥灰顶部隔水段等因素,为计算和统计分析确定突水系数新的临界值奠定了基础。 :华北型煤田;煤层底板突水;带压开采;突水系数;临界突水系数 :TD741 :A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2009.04.009 A discussion on water inrush coefficient LIU Qisheng (Xi ′an Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Xi ′an 710054, China) Abstract: Water inrush from coal seam floor is a kind of natural disaster during coal mining process in Northern China coal field. The main method for predicting water inrush from coal seam floor and evaluating the water inrush degree of coal mining with water pressure is water inrush coefficient method. However, calculation and determina- tion of critical values of water inrush coefficient need to be studied further. Based on explaining coal mining with water pressure and water inrush coefficient, several formulas for calculating water inrush coefficient and determi- nation methods of parameters were discussed, the origination and application condition of critical water inrush co- efficient and a new formula of calculating water inrush coefficient were presented. Not only water pressure and aquiclude thickness but also fracture depth of coal seam floor, intrusion height and top aquiclude part in Ordovician limestone were considered in the formula which laid the foundation for calcu


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