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Journal of Xi an Un iversity of Technology( 2008) Vol. 24 No. 2 177 : 2008) 1 1 2 1 1 原大宁 , 马建平 , 杨润, 傅卫平 , 刘宏昭 ( 1. , 710048; 2. , 710048) : 针对单晶炉旋转提拉系统在运行中出现的 动现象进行了建模和数值仿真将该旋转提拉 系统简化为在支座简谐激励下的双 力学模型, 模型中考虑了提拉软轴及提拉头的质量, 以及系统 的阻尼应用拉格朗日方程导出了该系统的非线性振动方程并加以线性化, 通过模态分析将耦合 的双自由度振动方程化为两 个单自由度方程应用 M atlab平台进行数值仿真, 模拟出了提拉系统 振动幅值随旋转频率的变化关系理论分析结果与实际中观察到的现象一致研究结果为改善提 拉系统的动态性能, 减小提拉系统的 动幅值提供了理论方法和依据 : 单晶炉; 提拉系统; 动 : TF 806. 9 : A Dynamic Simulation ofOscillation Phenomenon of SingleCrystalGrowth FurnaceLifting System Based on Double PendulumModel 1 1 2 1 1 YUAN Daning, MA Jian ing , YANG Run , FU W ei ing , L IU Hongzhao ( 1. Facu lty ofM echan ical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi an Un iversity of Technology, Xi an 710048, China; 2. X i an Ligong C rystalTechnology Com any L td, X i an 710048, China) Abstract: M odeling and num erical smi ulation of oscillation henom enon of singlecrystal growth furnace rotating- lifting system is studied. The rotating- lifting system of singlecrystal grow th furnace is smi li fied into a double endu lum modelunder harmon ic excitation of su orting. Themasses of lifting soft axis and lifting head, and the system s dam ing are taken into account in th is model. The nonlinear oscilla tion equation of th is system is established by means of the Lagrange s equation, and is linearized under the assum tion ofm icrooscillation. The equation of twodegree freedom system is decou led into wt o sin gle equations bym eans ofmodal analysis. The relationshi bewt een oscillation m agn itude and rotation fre quency is smi ulated u


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