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摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,女性在社会中的能力和地位不断地提升,但随 之而来的是越来越多的女性在不知不觉中加入到了“剩女”的行列。“剩 女”现象引起了社会越来越多的关注,有关“剩女”们的报道与相关研究 文章频繁出现在各种报刊杂志上。 “剩女”的国内外现状表明 “剩女”问题不仅仅是个人问题,更是整 个社会的问题。伴随“剩女”而来的“恐婚”和“闪婚闪离”的现象,反 映了“剩女”广泛存在的原因。“剩女”恐婚现象的出现,不外乎于以下因 素:担忧婚后经济压力、担忧婆媳关系、担忧生儿育女的烦恼等。除了“恐 婚”,还有“闪离”,这也是造成“剩女”群体越来越扩大的原因。“剩女” 如何成为,摆脱日益强大的生存压力而“闪婚”,或过分强调自我而“闪离”。 种种现象表明“剩女”现象与社会的择偶,婚姻,家庭等都密切相关,是 一种非常复杂的社会现象。“剩女”的大量存在对社会的家庭结构,婚姻状 况都有一定的影响,同时也反映了一系列的伦理问题,包括婚恋伦理、“孝” 道伦理和幸福与责任伦理等,解决“剩女”问题当以中国传统的婚恋伦理 为基础,吸收积极的西方婚恋伦理的因素,构建出与时俱进的、健康合理 的“剩女”婚恋伦理观,在此基础上,正确引导广大“剩女”们妥善的解 决婚姻大事。 关键词:“剩女”,伦理探析,婚恋伦理,孝 I ABSTRACT With the development of society and economy, women’s power and status in society is constantly upgrading. However, there will come an increasing number of women added to the ranks of the 3s lady. With the increasing of 3s lady, a series of reports and studies about the 3s lady frequently appear in various newspapers and magazines. 3s lady’s existence at home and abroad shows it is not just a personal problem, but a problem off the whole society. In view of the pursuit of freedom and forced by the pressures of life and other reasons, the 3s lady has increased day by day. “Fear of Marriage” and “flash marriage flash off phenomenon has appeared. Why it is appeared is that the economic pressure and so on which led to the 3s lady Fear of Marriage. In addition to the “ear of marriage”, and flash off, which is caused by 3S lady groups increasingly expanding reasons. Why they choose “flash marriage” is that they want to get rid of the increasingly strong pressure to survive. However, “flash off” is because too much emphasis on themselves. The existence of 3s lady is clo


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