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CRM功能:客户服务管理 备件管理,与ERP系统的集成 服务人员队伍管理 服务任务的快速录入; 服务任务的安排、调度和重新分配; 搜索和跟踪与某一业务相关的事件; 生成事件报告; 服务协议和合同; 订单管理和跟踪; 问题及其解决方法的数据库。 CRM功能:呼叫中心 呼入呼出电话处理; 互联网回呼(Call Back); 通过传真、电话、电子邮件、打印机等自动进行资料发送; 软电话(Soft Phone); 电话转移; 路由选择; 报表统计分析; 管理分析工具; 呼入呼出调度管理。 CRM功能:呼叫中心 呼入呼出电话处理; 互联网回呼(Call Back); 通过传真、电话、电子邮件、打印机等自动进行资料发送; 软电话(Soft Phone); 电话转移; 路由选择; 报表统计分析; 管理分析工具; 呼入呼出调度管理。 CRM功能:电话营销管理 电话本; 生成电话列表,并把它们与客户、联系人和业务建立关联 把电话号码分配到销售员; 记录电话细节,并安排回电; 电话营销内容草稿; 电话录音,同时给出书写器,用户可作记录; 电话统计和报告; 自动拨号。 CRM功能:商业智能 预定义查询和报告;用户定制查询和报告; 以报告或图表形式查看潜在客户和业务可能带来的收入; 通过预定义的图表工具进行潜在客户和业务的传递途径分析; 将数据转移到第三方的预测和计划工具; 柱状图和饼图工具; 系统运行状态显示器; 能力预警。 * * Proprietary Confidential * ? 2005 Sterling Commerce * Purpose of Slide: Introduce factors transforming historical supply chains to supply networks Prospect recognizes his/her enterprise operates in a highly complex environment Speaking Points: Historical linear supply-chains of few participants have transformed to supply networks Prospect’s business initiatives (such as those shown, left side) contribute to the complexity Complexity is characterized by (complications on right): Partner interdependencies (participants are mutually reliant on each other to execute processes) Dynamic roles (a supplier may also be a fulfillment channel; a customer may also be a supplier). Prospect’s role changes constantly, depending on the process. Channel Proliferation (more widespread channels- sales channels, like web or distributors- and fulfillment channels, like vendor drop-ship and direct-to-home delivery) 3rd-party initiatives (like outsourced manufacturing, vendor-managed inventory, or distributor networks) Greater competition (locally, as competitors expand product/service offerings, and globally, as prospect enters new markets) Net message: Prospect now operates in a highly complex supply network Instructions to Modify this Slide: Modify the initiatives (left side) to include known initiative of your prospect Add known complications (right side) of your prospect Ens


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