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图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业设计(论文) 徐州格利尔数码股份公司办公楼设计 THE OFFICE BUILDING OF XUZHOU GlORIA TECHNOLOGY LLC 摘 要 本次毕业设计题目为“徐州格利尔数码股份公司办公楼”。按毕业设计任务书的要求,此综合楼共五层,建筑总高度为23.95m,总建筑面积约为3798㎡。本建筑结构均为钢筋混凝土框架结构,基础采用人工挖孔灌注桩基础。本设计抗震设防烈度为7度。工程设计包括两部分,即建筑设计和结构设计。建筑设计是在查阅相关资料及规范的基础上完成了平面(底层,标准层)、正立面、侧立面及剖面图。结构设计采用三水准两阶段的设计方法,包括三部分内容:第一,通过手算进行结构计算。具体内容包括:结构方案和初选截面尺寸;结构计算简图及刚度参数计算;荷载计算及结构位移验算;水平荷载作用下的结构内力分析;竖向荷载作用下的结构内力分析;荷载效应及内力组合;截面设计和构造要求;基础设计。其中在水平地震作用的计算过程中应用D值法和底部剪力法进行框架结构在水平荷载作用下的内力和侧移计算,在计算过程中,充分利用了Excel及结构力学求解器等进行电算,保证了计算的准确性。第二 ,结构施工图绘制。在施工图的绘制过程中,应用Auto CAD软件进行制图,绘制结构平面布置图,基础平面图,桩基础详图等。第三 ,计算机辅助设计与校核。通过应用PKPM软件对结构进行辅助设计,并与手算结果进行校核,得到横向框架配筋图,梁板平法施工图。 关键词: 框架结构;结构设计;抗震设计;基础设计 Abstract The graduation design topic for one traffic police building integrated design According to the requirements of graduation design, the building of five layers,, building a total height of 23.95 m, with a total construction area of about 3798 square meters. This building structure for steel reinforced concrete frame structure, basic using slurry-supported machinery into a pile foundation. In this paper,the district seismic fortification intensity is designed for 8 degrees. The engineering design includes two parts, namely the architectural design and structure design. Architectural design is in access relevant information and on the basis of regulating the plane (complete, standard layer), bottom facade, side elevation and section. Structure design uses three level two stages of design methods, including three parts: First, by hand count structure calculation. Including components section size, the load calculation, the method of using D value structure and equivalent base shear method under horizontal loads of internal force and lateral force calculation, the framework and section design (beam and column board, the reinforcement), foundation design Engineering design includes two parts, namely the architectural design and design. Architectural design is in access relevant information and on


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