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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 远程接入企业网络规划与设计 毕业设计论文中文摘要 随着Internet技术的日益普及,网络技术的飞速发展,企业信息化工作越来越受到重视,进入二十一世纪后,企业信息化不再满足于个人或单个部门的少量计算机应用,而逐步过渡到多部门、整个企业甚至跨企业跨地域的大量计算机的协同工作,因此我们需要把这些计算机用网络联系起来,这也就是我们所说的企业网。本文是对某IT企业的一个企业网络规划设计的解决方案,文章首先分析了企业网络的设计需求,根据需求提出了设计原则与设计目标,制定了总体的规划设计方案,然后再分层次具体地对该企业的局域网和广域网进行设计,在该方案中,我们采用了VLAN、三层交换、千兆交换、光纤接入、VPN等先进网络技术,基本满足了该企业的需求,并留有足够的扩充空间,以适应今后发展。 关键词 企业网络 规划设计 远程接入 VPN 毕业设计论文外文摘要 Title Planning and design of Remote Access enterprise network Abstract As the technology of internet increasingly popularizes, it is getting more and more important that the technology of net develops at full speed, and the work of enterprise is informational. Now it is the twenty-first century, the informational enterprise cant just be satisfied by the using of few computers in single person or department, it has to change into coordination of large quantity ones in more departments like the whole enterprise step by step, even in trans-enterprise or trans-district. This thesis is a design project for solution to the net in one IT enterprise. First, it analyzes the needs of design for the enterprise according to which it puts forward the design principle and aim and formulates the scheme of the whole design project. Secondly, it designs the internet particularly in different aspects. In this scheme, it uses advance technology of internet, for instance, VLAN, exchange of three layers, thousand-trillion switching, optical fiber receiving, VPN and so on, to basically meet the needs of the enterprise and save enough room for expanding to adapt to the development henceforward. Keywords enterprise network、Planning and Design、Remote Access、VPN 目 次 1 引言 4 2 概述 5 2.1企业概况分析 5 2.2企业网络设计需求分析 6 3网络总体规划 7 3.1企业网络设计目标 7 3.2企业网络设计原则 7 3.3网络设计相关协议说明 8 4网络具体规划与设计 10 4.1企业网络拓扑结构设计 10 4.2 IP地址规划 12 4.3基于VLSM的子网划分 13 4.4VLAN规划 15 4.5三层交换技术与链路聚合的应用 16 4.6Internet接入设计及地址转换技术应用 18 4.7VPN远程接入设计 20 4.8设备选型 24 致谢 28 参考文献 29 1 引言 目前,对于国内的部分企业而言,计算机技术的应用很大程度上还只是停留在单机应用的水平上,应用


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