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摘 要 即时通信IM(Instant Messaging)是目前Internet上最为流行的通讯方式,而各种各样的即时通信软件也层出不穷,服务上也提供了越来越丰富的通信服务功能。随着互联网的发展,即时通信的运用日益广泛,即时通信软件业方兴未艾。 本设计构建了一个基于Android平台的即时通信系统,包括即时通信系统的客户端和服务器。其中服务器采用Java语言开发的,客户端是基于Android平台采用Java语言,利用了TCP/IP协议,Socket套接字进行研究开发。设计实现了客户端之间的文本、图片与语音信息的实时数据通信等功能。 本设计采用了常见的MVC设计模式,对系统进行了分层建模,对客户端的各个模块部分都进行分析设计,提出了系统的体系结构和整体构架设计方案,阐述了系统实现应用的关键技术,建立了可扩展的会话模型,采用松散耦合的方式设计,实现了Android平台上的移动即时通信系统。 关键字:即时通信;Android;TCP/IP;JAVA;MVC Abstract IM (Instant Messaging) are the most popular way of communication, the Internet and all kinds of Instant messaging software also emerge in endlessly, Service also provides more and more rich communication service functions. Along with the development of the Internet, the use of instant communication is becoming more and more widely, in instant messaging software. This design to build a real-time communication system based on Android platform, including instant communication system of the client and the server. The server using Java language development, the client is based on the Android platform using the Java language, using the TCP/IP, Socket for research and development. Design and implementation of text, images, and between the client voice information of real-time data communication functions. This design adopts common MVC design pattern, system for the hierarchical modeling, analyzes every module part client design, proposes the architecture of system and the overall architecture design, expounds the key technology of system implementation, extensible session model is established, the design USES the loose coupling way, realized the Android platform of mobile instant messaging system. Key words: IM system; Android; TCP/IP; Java; The MVC 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 1 1.3 论文的主要内容和组织结构 2 2 开发环境及相关技术的介绍 4 2.1 开发环境 4 2.2 开发软件介绍 4 2.2.1 关于Eclipse 4 2.2.2 Java JDK与Android SDK 4 2.2.3 ADT介绍 5 2.2.4 MySQL简介 5 2.3 相关开发技术介绍 6 2.3.1 Java基础介绍 6 2.3.2 Android平台 8 2.3.3 TCP/IP协议 12 3 系统需求分析 16 3.1 可行性分析 16 3.2 系统功



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