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邢台乡村聚落景观的旅游价值研究及开发模式探讨 摘 要 乡村聚落景观不仅是人居环境的重要组成部分,更承载着乡村的传统生活方式和深远的文化传统,所以对乡村聚落景观的研究更显得重要,特别是对于我国这样一个农业大国来说。邢台市城市化水平相对而言总体不是很高,农村人口约占总人口比数大,乡村聚落是邢台最主要的环境构成。另外邢台具有独特的地形地貌,具有独特的自然环境特征。但是随着城市化进程以及新农村建设的加速,许多乡村受到冲击,传统生活方式和民风民俗逐渐淡化,乡村聚落景观也受到负面影响:生态环境破坏、“样板村的逐一复制、“空心村’’的出现等,邢台的乡村聚落景观同样在发展中遭遇到如此问题,因此对乡村聚落景观的保护与发展问题显得尤为重要。本文从乡村聚落景观体系入手,分析景观体系中聚落空间、经济空间、社会空间和文化空间的旅游价值,最后提出了乡村聚落景观的旅游开发模式。通过案例分析,从旅游实践角度进一步探讨了乡村聚落景观的旅游开发,以及如何保护传统村落的历史文化特色,打造可持续发展的乡村人居环境和旅游环境。 关键词:邢台;乡村聚落景观;旅游价值;开发模式 Abstract Rural settlement landscape living environment is not only an important part of carrying the country better in the traditional way of life and profound cultural tradition, so the study of rural settlement landscape is more important, especially for such an agricultural country in our country.Xingtai urbanization level is relatively general is not very high, the rural population accounts for about score big population, rural settlement is the most important environment of xingtai.Another xingtai has unique landform, has the characteristics of the unique natural environment. But with the acceleration of urbanization and new rural construction, many of the country, the traditional life style and folk customs gradually fade out, rural settlement landscape were also negative effects:Ecological environment destruction, model village one copy, the emergence of the hollow village, such as xingtai rural settlement landscape in developing to this same problem, so the protection of rural settlement landscape and development is particularly important.This article obtains from the rural settlement landscape system, landscape system in the village space, economic space, social space and cultural space tourism value, finally put forward the rural settlement landscape pattern of tourism development.Through the case analysis, from the perspective of tourism practice further discusses the tourism development of the rural settlement landscape, and how to protect historical culture characteristics of the traditi



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