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Alice精心制作 2014.05 A Study of Imitation Writing to Improve Vocational College Students’ Letter Writing from the Perspective of Memetics 模因论视角下仿写对提高高职学生英语书信写作能力的研究 By Zheng Lu Supervised by Professor Kang Shumin 诚信 创新 · Literature Review Research Methodology Data Collection and Analysis Conclusion Research Background Motivation Contents of presentation 1.Research Background With the development of globalization, English is becoming more and more important for Chinese students. English , as one global language, its skills consist of four aspects, which refer to listening, speaking, reading and writing. English writing is the last in sequence but should be by no means the least in importance. However, English writing for many Chinese students’ is a tough job. As far as writing proficiency of vocational college students is concerned, they generally are poorer. They often complain that hey are in lack of grammar knowledge, vocabulary storage and so on. Research motivation This study is undertaken on account of vocational college students’ poor English writing performance in English tests. Concerning traditional imitation writing, it relies on the input of the teacher, and the students are deprived of rights of participating in the interaction, discussion and reflection. This study is aimed at connecting imitation writing and memetics, which makes imitation writing become a complete learning process for students, and abandon its traditional way, teacher-center style. 2, Literature Review Imitation writing means that people engage their writing by imitating words, expressions, sentence patterns, structures and so on from outstanding model essays. Memetics, based on Darwin’s evolutionary theory, is a new pragmatic theory on elaborating the law of cultural transmission. Meme is a unit of cultural transmission. With the rapid development of memetics in linguistics, imitation writing regained its vigor in teaching field. There is


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