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会计英语单词英中对照--报表相关 (海归论坛 ) accounting statement 会计报表 adjusted income statement 调整后损益计算书 all-inclusive income statement 总括性损益表 all-purpose financial statements 通用决算表 analytical statement 分析报表 annual statement of receipt and expenditure 年度收支决算书 annual financial statement 年度财务报表 appropriation statement 岁出预算报表 articulation statement 借贷关节表 artificial statement 多栏式计算书 asset-and-liabilitystatement [美]资产负债表 average statement 海损理算书 balance statement 余额明细表 balance statement of conditions of the treasury 国库状况表 bank statement 银行结单[报表] bank deposit reconciliation statement 银行存款调节表 bank reconciliation statement 银行往来调节表, 银行核对单 branch statements 分支机构报表 branch financial statement 分支机构损益计算书 budget statement 预算书 budgeted income statement (=pro forma income statement) 预计[计划]损益计算书 burden statement 间接成本[费用]表 capital statement 资本变动表 capital surplus statement 公积金计算书 capital-reconciliation statement 资本协调表 carriers statement 商务记录 cash statement 现金报表; 库存表 cash daily statement 现金日计表 cash flow statement 现金流量表, 现金收支一览表 certified financial statement 已签证财务报表 charge-and-discharge statement 经营及支出报告表, 遗产报告表, 资金运用表 claim statement 损失索赔清单; 起诉状 clearing house statement 票据交换所报表 combined financial statement 合并财务报表 combined income statement 合并损益计算书 combined profit and loss statement 合并损益计算书 combined statement 联合决算表, 合并表 combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement 现金收支汇总表 combined statement of income and earned surplus 损益与公积金合并计算书 combined statement of income and retained earnings 损益及保留盈余合并表 combined statement of receipts and expenditures balances, etc. 收支余额等一览表 combined statement of revenues -estimated and actual general and special revenue funds 估计岁入和实际岁入合并表—普通岁入基金和特种岁入基金 common dollar financial statement 不变币值财务报表, 共同货币财务报表 common-size financial statements 百分率财务报表 comparative statements 比较(财务)报表, 比较计算书 comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss 预期损益与实际损益比较表 comparative statement of cost per production hour 生产小时成本比较表 comparative stat


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