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湖 北 大 学 本 科 毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 题 目 我国商业银行绩效管理探讨 姓 名 魏 浪 学 号 2008221101200088 专业年级 2008级金融学双学位 指导教师 杨克明 职 称 副教授 2010 年 4 月 30 日 目 录 我国商业银行绩效管理探讨 摘 要 随着经济和金融改革向纵深推进,我国银行业的经营环境正发生深刻变化,利率市场化改革、资本监管强化使商业银行传统的盈利模式、发展模式受到挑战,经营风险也日益加剧,因此实现盈利模式创新、确保资本充足、加强风险管理、将风险管理与收益增长相统一是商业银行经营管理中迫切需要解决的重要课题,也是绩效管理的核心任务。我国商业银行绩效管理现状分析,商业银行绩效管理应顺应经营环境的变化,因地制宜地借鉴国外先进管理经验;绩效管理要着眼于公司发展战略,应将组织、部门与个人绩效相结合,实现公司战略目标Performance Management of Commercial Bank of China Abstract With the economic and financial reforms to push, the banking environment in China is undergoing profound changes, interest rate reform, strengthen supervision of capital to the profit model of the traditional commercial banks, development model is being challenged, operational risk has also increased. Therefore, a profit model innovation, to ensure adequate capital, strengthen risk management, risk management and earnings growth will be unity of operation and management of commercial banks in an urgent need to address the important issue is the core of performance management tasks. Through this paper the performance of commercial banks, management analysis, performance management, commercial banks should come to adapt to changing business environment, according to local conditions advanced foreign management experience; Put forward a sound system of performance management measures; In-depth analysis of commercial banking system problem. Performance management should focus on the companys development strategy, should organizations, departments and the combination of individual performance to achieve corporate strategic goals. 【key words】Commercial Bank Management System Performance Management 绪论 我国商业银行的绩效管理起步于20世纪70年代末经济金融体制改革以后,商业银行经营自主性逐步加强,开始引入绩效管理机制,对各级行进行绩效考核增强经营能力。2000年人民银行制定了《国有独资商业银行考核评价办法》,首次对国有商业银行的经营业绩进行定量考核;2004年中国银监会颁布了《股份制商业银行风险评级体系(暂行)》。这些文件的出台极大促进了股份制商业银行对经营绩效管理工作的重视。各家商业银行开始积极探索科学、有效的经营业绩评价体系,从盈利能力、风险状况、业务发展、环境及服务等方面进行综合评价,逐步形成了较为成熟的绩效考核指标体系,同时借鉴


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