book 4 unit 4 Grammar.ppt

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book 4 unit 4 Grammar.ppt

V-ing做主语,宾语,补语,表语的用法 1. Coming late for school is a bad habit. 2.We should avoid coming late for school. 3. I saw them fighting outside. 4. The news is exciting . The person who is translating the songs can speak seven languages. The person _________ ___ ______can speak seven languages. V-ing的各种形式 1. V-ing 的一般式, 即doing V-ing 的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的 动作一般同时进行。 The children surrounded the teacher, listening attentively to her story. 2. V-ing的完成式, 即 having done V-ing的完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的 动作之前发生。 Having finished the homework, Tom went to bed. 3. V-ing的否定式, 在其前加not Not knowing what to do, he turned to the teacher. Not having heard from his girlfriend for a long time , he felt very worried. Not having finished his homework, the boy was still doing it in the classroom. 4. V-ing的被动式:一般式的被动式为being done 完成式的被动式为having been done Being laughed at in public, she felt sad. Having been chosen as a member of the school football team, he jumped with joy. 现在分词完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所 表示的动作之前,常用作状语,表时间和原因。注意 现在分词的完成式不能充当定语。 Having noted down our names and addresses , the policeman dismissed us. I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert. Having suffered from heart trouble for many years, Mr. Li has to take medicine wherever he goes . 1. 听到这个消息时,他们都高兴得跳了起来。 ? (用状语从句翻译)_______________________, they jumped with joy. ? (用V-ing翻译)___________________, they jumped with joy. 他在街上走的时候遇见了老同学。 (用状语从句翻译)_______________________, he met his old classmates. (用V-ing 翻译)_______________________, he met his old classmates. * 人教课标版 高一 必修4 Unit 4 Grammar V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。 1. 作定语 V-ing 形式可以单独充当名词的前置修饰语, 这时有两种情况。 -ing形式表示 “供作......之用”的意思, 这类作定语的-ing形式过去叫动名词。 A swimming pool = a pool for swimming A sleeping car = a car for sleeping 2) -ing形式表示 “......的” 意思, 过去叫 现在分词 A sleeping child working people the rising sun -ing形式短语作定语时一般放在它所修饰的名词之后, 相当于一个定语从句。如: They are visitors coming


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