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基于B/S的实验室排课系统 摘 要 高校的实验排课工作一直是实验教学管理中一项重要而复杂的工作,拥有大量的约束条件,根据不同的实际情况也有着复杂的特殊性,它需要花费排课人员大量的时间和精力。该系统充分利用现代计算机软硬件技术,改变了传统的手工排课方式,不仅提高了实验排课人员的工作效率,也大大提高了实验排课的科学性和可靠行。 该系统在研究市面上各种排课软件的基础上,根据我校实验教学的实际情况,采用目前较为流行的B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构和ASP.NET(Active Server Pages.NET,即基于.NET的动态服务器网页)动态网页技术,利用VS2005+SQL Server2000设计出一个小型的实验排课系统。该系统功能完善,易于操作、管理和维护,可扩充性好。文章介绍了建立该系统的技术方案,包括系统可行性和需求分析、系统功能设计及数据库设计,并给出了实现方法。 关键字:实验排课系统;B/S结构;ASP.NET;SQL Server2000 ABSTRACT University experiment course arrangement is an important and complicated job in teaching management. It has a large number of restraint conditions, and has complicated particularity according to different actual conditions. The experiment staff often needs to spend a lot of time and energy to arrange experimental timetable. This system makes full use of modern computer hardware and software technology, which has changed the traditional manual schedule arrangement. It not only improves the experimental staff work efficiency, but also greatly enhanced the experiment arrangement science and reliability. Based on the study of Course Scheduling software available on the market and the actual situation of experiment teaching in my school, using the current more popular B/S (Browser/Server) structure and ASP.NET (Active Server Pages.NET)dynamic web technology, VS2005+SQL Server2000,this paper designed a small Experimental Course Scheduling System, which is easy to operate、management and maintenance, and the expansion is good.building the system, include the goal of design, demand, framework design and database design, also provide methods to realize it. Key words:Experiment Course Scheduling System; B/S structure; ASP.;SQL Server2000 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1排课问题提出及实现意义 1 1.2排课问题的研究历史和现状 1 1.3本课题研究内容和目标 2 第2章 系统开发工具及关键技术介绍 3 2.1 ASP.NET技术 3 2.2 SQL Server简介 4 2.3 B/S体系结构简介 4 2.4 ADO.NET简介 5 第3章 系统分析与需求 6 3.1.系统的一般描述 6 3.2系统可行性分析 6 3.2.1技术可行性 6 3.2


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