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The modern Chinese tunic suit is a style of male attire known in China as the Zhongshan suit (simplified Chinese: 中山装; traditional Chinese: 中山裝; pinyin: Zhōngshān zhuāng) (after Sun Yat-Sen), and known in the West as the Mao suit (after Mao Zedong). Sun Zhongshan (better known as Sun Yat-sen) introduced the style shortly after the founding of the Republic of China as a form of national dress although with a distinctly [disti?ktli] 明显的political and later governmental implication.暗示牵连 After the end of the Chinese Civil War and the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, the suit became widely worn by males and government leaders as a symbol of proletarian [,pr?uletε?ri?n] 无产阶级的 unity and an Eastern counterpart配对物 to the Western business suit. The name Mao suit comes from Chinese leader Mao Zedongs affinity [?fin?ti] 吸引力 for wearing them in public, thus tying the garment [ɡɑ:m?nt] closely to him and Chinese communism in general in the Western imagination. Although they fell into disuse停止使用 in the 1990s amid increasing Western influences, they are still worn on occasion by Chinese leaders during important state ceremonies and functions. Origins When the Republic was founded in 1912, the style of dress worn in China was based on Manchu dress (qipao and changshan), which had been imposed强加于 by the Qing Dynasty as a form of social control. The majority-Han Chinese revolutionaries革命分子 who overthrew推翻 the Qing were fueled by failure of the Qing to defend China against western imperialists [impi?ri?list] and the low standing of the Qing in terms of technology and science compared to the West. Even before the founding of the Republic, older forms of Chinese dress were becoming unpopular among the elite [eili:t, ili:t] 精英,知识分子and led to the development of Chinese dress which combined the changshan and the Western hat to form a new dress. The Zhongshan suit is similar development which combined Western and Eastern fashions. The Zhongshan suit was an attempt to c


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