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9A Unit One Star signs Comic strip and welcome to the unit 第一部分 简要提示 年级:九年级 二.教学内容:9A Unit 1 Star signs 三.课型:Comic strip and welcome to the unit 四.教学目标 1.知识目标: 1)词汇:能够运用本课时的四会单词。 2)词组:star sign worry about (not) doing sth. 3)句型:It’s nice of you to bring me the newspaper. You shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then. 2. 能力目标: 熟悉本单元的话题,了解 “中国的十二生肖”和 “西方的十二星座”的相关知识。 五.教学重点: 1. 重点: 1)掌握本课时的四会单词和词组。 2)熟悉本单元话题“Star signs”,并激发学生对该话题的兴趣。 2.难点: 1)理解It’s nice of you to bring me the newspaper. 2)了解 “中国的十二生肖”和 “西方的十二星座”。 第二部分 教学流程 用时:16分钟 Part One Welcome to the unit Step 1.Warming up 用时:3分钟 T: Boys and girls, welcome to my class. I’d like to start with two interesting questions: (PPT6) Do you know yourself ? How do you know that? What kind of person are you? You see, in this unit we are going to have such funny topics. But first let’s look at the pictures. ( PPT 7) 瞧,在这个单元,我们将谈论这些有趣的话题。首先,让我们来看一看这些图片。 What are these? They are twelve lovely animals. What do they represent? Can you name them? What are they used for? (PPT8) Please talk about them in pairs and then share your ideas with the whole class. 他们代表什么?叫什么名称?用来做什么?请同座的同学互相讨论,然后与全班进行交流 T: All right. These lovely animals make up of the 12 animal signs in Chinese culture. (PPT 9) They are used to count years. Besides, people also use the animal signs to know themselves because someone thinks that each animal represents one kind of person’ characters. Do you think it funny? 这些可爱的动物组成了中国的十二生肖。他们被用来计算年份,除此以外人们还用他们来了解自己,预测未来。因为有人相信每一种动物代表了不同类型人物的性格。 Step 2. Lead-in 用时:2分钟 T: Do you know the animal sign of this year? (PPT 10) It’s the year of the pig. People who were born this year are all under the sign of the pig. So the year you were born in decides your animal sign. 你知道今年是什么年吗?是猪年。在这一年出生的人同属这一属相。由此可见,人们的属相由他们出生的年份所决定。 Discussion: (PPT11) Would you like to talk in the small groups about what animal sign you were born under? 你的属相是什么? what kind of person you may be according to th


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