中文及英文比较 Contrastive Study中西文化对比.docVIP

中文及英文比较 Contrastive Study中西文化对比.doc

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中文及英文比较 Contrastive Study中西文化对比.doc

Lecture One Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Language Difference From Structure 1. 英语有形态变化,汉语没有严格意义的形态变化. English: gender, number, case, tense, voice, mood, degree of comparison, person and parts of speech. 汉语: 数量助词,动态助词,结构助词 比较: 我给了他一本书. I gave him a book. 他给了我两本书. He has given me two books. 他爸爸常常给他一些书. His father often gives him books 2. 英语词序比较灵活,汉语词序相对固定. Not a finger did I lay on him. 我从没有指责过他. 他被剥夺了权利之后,只好离职,流落他乡. He had to quit the position and went in exile, having been deprived of his power. 3.英语经常使用定冠词和不定冠词 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 绝不 take a chair 请坐/就坐 take the chair 主持会议/做主席 a hundred and one 很多 one hundred and one 一百零一 She was with a child. 她带着一个孩子。 She was with child. 她怀孕了。 They are students of our school. 他们是本校的学生。 They are the students of our school. 他们是本校的全部学生。 I have lived here for more than a year. 我在这儿住了一年多了。 I have lived here fore more than one year. 我在这儿住了超过一年了。 4.汉语有丰富多彩的助词. 吧 今天不会下雨吧? It isn’t going to rain today, is it? 你好好想想吧! Just think it over. 明天就明天吧. All right, let’s make it tomorrow. 咱们走吧. Let’s go. 打吧, 打不下去; 跑吧, 跑不了, 敌人只好投降. Unable to fight on or to escape, the enemy were forced to surrender. 5.英语常用介词,汉语则少用介词. What is he at? 他正在干什么? John voted with the Tories. John 投票支持保守党. He is a man above vulgar interests. 他是一个脱离了低级趣味的人 It looks as if we are in for a storm. 看来我们免不了要碰上一场暴风雨了. From Intonation 英语是语调语言,语音表意手段主要是语调和重音. You may ˊnot go. 你不可以去. You ˊ may not go. 你可以不去. You said he would COME. You said he WOULD come. You said HE would come. You SAID he would come. YOU said he would come. 2. 汉语是声调语言,语音表意手段主要是声调. 我的衣服/我的姨夫 我爱马/我挨骂 我叫他去。I’ll ask him to go. I’ll go and call him. 我想起来了。I’ll get up. I’ve thought it out.. 3. 汉语注重音节均匀,成双成对:对偶,排比,反复,叠音 Translate: 重重叠叠山,曲曲弯弯路,叮叮咚咚泉,高高下下树 Escalating mountains, meandering paths, tinkling springs and interspersing trees. 行行过太行, On and on past Taihang we walk 迢迢赴延安. By and by to Yanan we make our way 细细问故旧, Again and again with old friends we talk 星星数鬓斑.


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