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* * 蒋晓明简历 (Jackey resume) ---烘焙人生! Jackey resume:蒋晓明 蒋晓明简历( Jackey resume) 中文名(Chinese Name): 蒋晓明? 英文名(English Name):jackey (杰克) 籍贯Native Place:广西桂林GUANGXI?Guilin, 年龄Age: 42岁years 学历Education:本科 College , 毕业学校:深圳大学Shenzhen University. 无锡江南大学JiangNanUniversity 烘焙食品行业经验:Years of Working in this Profession of baking:22年(22years) 主要学习经历EDUCATION DETAILS : 1/上海市粮食贸易学校烘焙专业?Graduated from Baking Major of Adult Education Department, Shanghai Food Commercial School 2/-深圳大学成人教育学院英语(专科)Graduated from English Language Major of Adult Education Institute (Night School);Shenzhen University. 江南大学—食品科学与工程(焙烤方向)本科 Jiangnan University - Food Science and Engineering ( baking directions ) 主要工作经历(WORKING EXPERIENCES )1: 1991、04-1998、04上海市牛奶公司下属食品厂 Food factory of Shanghai Milk Company 工作职位Positions held: 学徒,技术员,主管,门店店长. Assistant Technician, Technician, Group Leader, Director, Shop Manager. 工作职责Responsibilities:裱花蛋糕,打蛋糕胚,做西点,饼干,打面,面包成型,烘烤,包装。门店现烤面包制作,裱花蛋糕装饰。Decorated cakes of the central factory, pastry preparing and forming, Western desserts, Dry light refreshments, Flour blending, Bread forming, Baking, and packing; Baking of hot cakes at the selling shop, Decoration of cakes; 主要工作经历(WORKING EXPERIENCES )2: 1998、04-2001、04 (From the age of 25 to 28): 香港乐斯福(远东)有限公司广州办事处及广州金燕烘焙培训中心; Guangzhou office of Hong Kong Lesaffre (Far East) Limited and Guangzhou Jinyan Baking Training Center. 工作职位Position held:国内烘焙技术指导. Domestic Baking Technique Instructor. 负责烘焙中心的讲课和实际操作, (Baking center is responsible for lectures and practical exercises,) 负责全国使用法国燕子牌酵母烘焙客户的技术培训和指导 Responsible for the national licensing of yeast baking the use of French Swallow technical training and guidance to customers。 ?研发烘焙新产品以及培训资料整理归类 Baking R D of new products and training materials are classified finishing。 主要工作经历(WORKING EXPERIENCES )2照片: zaopian 本人 本人 主要工作经历 (WORKING EXPERIENCES )3: 2001、05--2005、05岁(From the age of 28 to 32 years):蛇口南顺面粉有限公司(香港面粉厂集团)Lam Soon Flour Mills Co.,


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