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* Welcome to Schedule morning 1.Yulong Snow Mountains 玉龙雪山 2.Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 noon eat lunch afternoon 3.Old Town of Lijiang 丽江古城 A brief introduction of Lijiang Lijiang has a history of almost a thousand years.It is located in the northwest of Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities.And on December 4,1997,it became a UNESCO Heritage Site.The scenes are unique and unconventional. 35km ,25km About 5596meters high Main peak:Shanzidou AAAAA-rated scenic area Known asNatural Flora and Fauna Garden,Museum of Modern Glacier A scenic canyon on the Jinsha River. About 3970meters from river to mountain peak. One of the deepest and most spectacular river canyons in the world 鸡豆凉粉 丽江粑粑 米灌肠 包浆豆腐 冰粉凉宵 Lunch Time The Old Town of lijiang,which literally means a great ink slab,is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegent art for the lay-out of the town. AAAAA-rated scenic area Historical and Cultural City of China We regard Old Town of Lijiang as the Oriental Venice. However,as an ancient city,it has no walls. Why? Naxi ,a minority with a long history and a brilliant culture, about 300,000 people A small ethnic group that has created a grand culture,especially Dongba Culture The Dongba culture is a most inclusive term referring mainly to the language and scriptures. The Dongba language is actually composed of 1,400 picture-like characters and symbols that are still used by Dongbas, researchers and artists of the culture. It is by now the only living hieroglyph 象形文字in the world and is regarded as a precious cultural relic of mankind. On August 30, 2003, the Dongba classical literature was accepted as a written world heritage by UNESCO. For better protection, research and development of the Dongba Culture, in 1984 ,the Naxi Dongba Cultural Museum was built under at the Black Dragon Pool of Lijiang. *


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