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中 国 古 都 · 天 下 大 同 Introduction: Datong lies in the north of Shanxi Province, and it is the Shanxi Provinces second largest city. Datong is a city with a long history and splendid culture. The rich historic remains have made it an ancient Chinese capital, the city of sculptures and coal known to the world. Therefore it is one of the first group of 24 famous Chinese historical and cultural cities by the State Council. Yungang Grottoes is located in the south of Wuzhou Mountain and far away 16 kilometers from the city of Datong. Yungang Grottoes is the cultural heritage of the world, national 5A scenic spot in China and one of the largest grottoes in China. Yungang Grottoes was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty in 460 and had a history of about 1500 years. It has 45 main grottos, over 1,200 niches and over 51,000 Buddhist statues Tan Yao Five Grottos 昙曜五窟 The Buddhist statue is 14m-high and it has been considered as a city card of Datong. Yungang Grottoes, the mountian faces the hall each other and the river faces the palace each other 云冈石窟山堂水殿 云冈石窟山堂水殿 Yungang Grottoes 礼佛大道 Premier Zhou Enlai visited Yungang Grottoes. 北岳恒山—Mount Heng is located in Hunyuan County, City of Datong and has an elevation about 2017 meters. Mount Heng is one of the Wuyue with Mount Tai ,Mount Hua ,Mount Heng and Mount Song. 恒山海拔2017米,与东岳泰山、西岳华山、南岳衡山、中岳嵩山并称为五岳。1982年,恒山被国务院批准列入第一批国家级风景名胜区名单。被称为“人天北柱”,“绝塞名山”,“天下第二山”。 Mount Heng Mount Heng Mount Heng,Hanging Monastery 恒山悬空寺 Datong Volcano Datong East Wall Datong East Wall Datong South Wall Datong noodles is tasty and inexpensive, and it has high quality. 大同刀削面同北京的打卤面、山东的伊府面、武汉的热干面、四川的担担面,同称为中国五大面食名品,在国内外享有盛誉。大同刀削面物美价廉,色、香、味俱全。 Steamed Pork Dumplings 大同烧麦 Sheep Offal Soup 大同羊杂汤 Bean Jelly 浑源凉粉 Face Muller 莜面鱼鱼 Thrush Donkey 广灵五香画眉驴肉 Preserved Apricot 阳高杏脯 Thanks for your attention. Welcome to Datong * *


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