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The Introduction of Zhangye Scenic Spots Team member: QiongSimeina A Brief Survey Zhangye is located in the middle section of the Hexi Corridor. It used to be called “Gan” , which forms part of the name “Gansu” It was considered a location for reaching out to the western regions. It has an area of 4,240 square kilometers and is 1,410 to 2,230 meters above sea level. Zhangye is a fertile land. Wheat, coin, rice and linseed are the major crops. Watermelons, sweet melons and pepper are three other market products. In addition to agriculture, Zhangye stresses forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, and industry, especially food processing and chemical plants. 张掖概述 张掖,古称甘州,东邻武威地区和金昌市,西连酒泉地区,是“古绸之路”南北两线与“居延古道”交汇点,今亚欧大陆桥经济带上。 以“张国臂掖,以通西域”而得名。张掖历史悠久,文化发达,西汉时期霍去病曾在此大破匈奴,后成为古丝绸之路上的重镇。因水土宜人、物产丰富,而被称为“金张掖”。 张掖位于河西走廊西段,取“断匈奴之臂,张中国之掖(腋)”而得名。古为河西四郡之一,历代中原王朝在西北地区的政治、经济、文化、和外交活动中心。它南枕祁连山,北依合黎、龙首二山,黑河贯穿全境,下辖临泽、高台、山丹、民乐、肃南五县,总面积4.1万平方公里,人口117万。 Historical Narrative Zhangye has a long history. In 111BC, Emporer Wu Di of the Han Dynasty dispatched General Huo Qubing to the Western Part of Long (present- day Gansu) and established the Prefecture of Zhangye;thereafter , it became a political , economic cultural, and diplomatic center of the later dynasties. In 609 AD, Emperor Yang Di of the Sui Dynasty made an inspection tour of the west and held the world – renown meeting in Zhangye with delegations from 27 kingdoms of the Western Regions. From these flourishing periods on , Zhangye was an important town along the Silk Road. Scenic Spots Giant Buddha Temple 大佛寺 The temple is located in the southwestern area of Zhangye ; according to archeological research, it was first established in 196 AD and reconstructed and expanded during the Ming and Qing dynasties.It is now the largest temple in Gansu Province. The major building is the Sleeping Buddha Palace 卧佛 in which there is a sculpture is made of wood and clay and is gilded and painted ; 34.5meters long, 7.5 meters wide


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