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有经验的买家对你和你要出售的业务一眼就能看穿,一旦看出任何危险信号,他们根本就不会再理睬你的报价。如果你真的决定卖出自己的公司,务必要先搞清楚六件事。它可以帮你做足准备,最大限度地提高成功几率。 这6件事,卖出公司前你一定要听清楚 ????Selling a business is never an easy or simple process. However, the rewards can be great, and ultimately, life-changing, so if you do decide to sell there are six key things you need to be aware of that will help you prepare and maximize your chances of success. Getting it wrong before you start can ruin any hopes of a sale and can mean many months of your time wasted. ????While I specialize in the sale of online businesses and refer to those as examples, these points still apply to business sales whether offline or online. Experienced buyers will see straight through you and the business you are selling and will quickly pass over your offering if they see any red flags. ????1. Buyers won’t pay more for potential. ????I regularly speak to business owners who believe they have a potential gold mine and expect to command a high selling price based on perceived potential alone. This isn’t how it works. If a business is simply a concept without a proven revenue stream then there isn’t any value in the eyes of the vast majority of potential buyers. ????If they were interested in developing their own business from the ground up there are numerous resources to help them get started and they would not be looking to buy something already established in the first place. Buyers want to acquire something that is already successful, not an unproven concept. ????2. Buyers are interested in profits, not revenue. ????Another common misconception is that buyers are impressed with revenue figures. Sure, they can sound good, but when it comes down to it the only number that matters is the profit a business turns (see last week’s column for more on why revenue is a vanity metric). Take a look at these two scenarios: ????? Business A: $30,000 monthly revenue, $25,000 monthly expenses, $5,000 monthly profit and $60,000 annual profit. ????? Business B: $10,000 monthly re


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