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目 录 论文提纲—————————————————————2-5页 内容摘要、关键字—————————————————6-8页 正文———————————————————————9-17页 参考文献—————————————————————18页 论文提纲 以《围城》论述钱钟书对人物的描写 一、绪论 从我觉得中国现代文学史上像《围城》这样的作品是少有的。这部作品写是大学高级知识分子。从生活角度考虑,大学生活一般比较平淡,没有什么戏剧性、故事性,写写短篇大概还可以,但要用字篇幅,来展现大学生活,没有一定的功力,是很难写好的。即便写了,影响也不会大,最多在知识分子圈内传阅。而要突破这一读者范围,让普通读者都对这样的文学描写感兴趣,实在需要一定的发现眼光和讲故事的能力。《围城》是一部“人物辐辏、场景开阔的巨幅写真”,“长卷般展出成批活龙活现的知识阶层人物画像”。《围城》是一个有学问的作家的创作。《围城》是有批判意味的钱钟书对笔下的这些人物的批判,是站在知识本位的立场上来批判的。他不是说这些人物不完全思考问题,而是指出这些人物的思考其实非常可笑,因为作为知识分子,他们首先在知识方面就有所欠缺。面对乌烟瘴气的大学环境和道貌岸然的所谓学者、教授,钱钟书式的尖刻是有意义的。《围城》一书具有浓郁的象征意味。钱先生常常通过对一些法文字词和成语的辨析、运用,提示出其中的思想意义,造成一?种奇异的修辞效果。钱锺书渊博的学识有不少研究者和评论家,在文学研究方面很有成就,眼光很犀利,能够道常人不能道出的东西。但你要他自己动手创作作品,却难为他了。能够像钱钟书先生那样既有学问,又有文学创作才能的人,实在是很少。从这一意义上讲《围城》是一个有学问的作家的创作。 With 《 round the city 》 discuss the QIAN2 ZHONG SHUs depiction to the person A, introduction Feel that the Chinese contemporary literature history is photogenic from my oneself 《 round the city 》 such work is rare.It is deluxe knowledge member of university that this work write.From life the angle consider, university the life is mild generally and more, have no dramatic, story, probably wrote the short piece can also, but to use a lot of spaces of word, emerge the university life, have no certain capability, can hardly write good.Wrote even if, affect also cant greatly, most pass round in the knowledge member inside of circle.But to break this first reading scope, let common readers are interested in knowing such literature describe all, the true demand certainly discovers the taste and speaks the ability of the story. 1, 《 round the city 》 is a person , field view spacious of huge write true, a sort exhibition becomes to criticize to live the dragon live now of the knowledge stratum person portrait. 2, 《 round the city 》 is a creations of learned writer. 3, 《 round the city 》 have the judgment meaning. Two, this theory The judgment of QIAN2 ZHONG SHUs these persons to the style of writings, is a station to come up the judgment in the positio


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