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Chapter 1 1.The communication process is initiated(开始) by the: A)message B)receiver C)source D)channel 2.The interpretation解释 of physical message into a form that has eventual最后的meaning for a receiver is called: A)coding B)recoding C)decoding D)encoding 3.Receivers can be: A)a group B)a single person C)an institution机构 D)all of these 4.An increase in noise _________ message fidelity保真度,精确. A)increases B)decreases C)does not affect D)expands 5.In machine-assisted机器辅助 interpersonal communication人际传播: A)source and receiver can be separated by time and space B)messages can have permanence永久性 C)messages can be amplified扩大的 or transmitted传输 over large distances D)all of these 6.Mass communication refers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of one or more machines produces and transmits public messages that are directed at large, scattered分散的 audiences that are: A)heterogeneous多样性 B)homogenous同质的 C)related有关联的 D)specific 特定特殊 7.Message termination is easiest in: A)interpersonal communication B)mass communication C)machine-assisted interpersonal communication D)none of these 8.Mass communication organizations: A)have multiple gatekeepers B)require little money to operate C)exist regardless of profit D)are non-competitive 9.The following is an example of a media vehicle工具,媒介: A)newspapers and magazines B)radio stations C)TV networks D)All of these 10 Disintermediation eliminates the A) source B) middleman C) customer D) seller 10.In a communication setting, encoding may take place only once. A)True B)False 11.Encoding becomes less important in machine-assisted interpersonal communication. A)True B)False 12.Interpersonal communication can occur between two people without being in each others physical presence. A)True B)False 13.The receiver in the machine-assisted setting can be a single person only


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