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V phrases 1 与人交换 2 伸手拿 3 俘虏某人 4 起航 5 回报 6 众所周知 7 与某人联系 1 exchange sth for sth with sb In exchange for sth 2 reach out for sth 3 take sb prisoner 4 set sail to/for/from 5in return 6It ‘s well known that 7 contact with sb/get / Keep/in touch with * 1.foundation n.基础, 基金, 基金会 2.endeavour n. 尽力,竭力 3.civilization n.文明, 文化, 文明社会 4.Christopher Columbus 克里斯多佛 哥伦布 5.spice n.香料, 调味品, 趣味, 意味, 情趣 6.Ceylon n.锡兰(印度以南一岛国,现以更名为斯里兰卡Srilanka, 首都为科伦坡Colombo) 7.Arab adj.阿拉伯的 n.阿拉伯人 8.westernmost adj.最西的, 极西的 9.ambassador n.大使 10.rhinoceros n. 犀牛 11.horn n.(牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭, 触角 12.Swahili n. 斯瓦希里人[语]adj.班图人[语]的 13.ivory n.象牙 14.wander vi.漫步, 徘徊 15.voyage n.航程, 航空, 航海记, 旅行记 vi.航海, 航行 16.accurate adj.正确的, 精确的 17.prosper v.成功, 兴隆, 昌盛 18.navy n.海军 19.fleet n.舰队, 港湾, 小河 20.renew vt.使更新, 使恢复, 重申, 补充, 续借, 复兴 vi.更新, 重新开始 21.giraffe n.长颈鹿 22.embassy n.大使及其随员, 大使的派遣, 大使馆 23.generous adj.慷慨的, 大方的, 有雅量的 24.zebra n.斑马 25.symbolic adj.象征的, 符号的 26.expedition n.远征, 探险队, 迅速, 派遣 I Lead-in There are many great navigators in the world of history. Do you know them? What made them famous? ZhengHe In China James Cook In England Columbus In Spain Abel Tasman In Holland ZhengHe was a Chinese navigator in the Ming Dynasty. He made seven voyages to the Indian Oceans . He went up to eastern coast of African. He was the man who made the earliest voyage in History. Columbus was Spanish sailors. He made four voyages . He was the first man who discovered Amercia. James Cook was a British captain. He made maps of Australia and New zealand II Scanning 1 What’s the main Idea of the passage? 2 How many chinese explorers are mentioned in the text? 3 What do you know about the silk Road? It’s about navigation between China and Africa There are three. They are Gan Ying,Du Huan and zhengHe. Silk road began from_________ along the Gangsu Corridor and then to ________ and _________ To ________ in exc


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