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高中英语 命题写作范文选讲 ·编辑信息· 日期:2005年8月 教师:何砷、钱龙 单位:北京辕辀教育中心(未注册) 软件支持:Office2003·Microsoft PowerPoint 设计策划:辕辀教育 命题一:个人与家庭 假如你是LM,你将要在下月接待一位来自澳大利亚的学生(Mike),他将住在你的家里。现在,请你写一封信函,向Mike告知以下情况: 你家的住址。 你家的环境。 你家人以及工作、学习情况。 饮食、起居的方式。 欢迎他的到来。 范文(读书笔记示范) Dear Mike, I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China and live in my home. At first, you should know our current address. This is No.12 YH Road FengHuang District Beijing. In case of you get lost, you could make haste to ask a policeman who can speak English for help. They’ll take responsibility for you. Don’t forget to call me as you arrive at the gate. ;-) Also, our house is near the Yuan Dynasty Park. As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to find it. The park is a place where are characteristics of Beijing with history and culture. I think you’ll enjoy this area nearby our home. In the other hand, I have to be honest that say a busy road is in front of our house, but it’s rather convenient for people. In summary, we feel satisfied with our near environment. There are three people in my family. My father, my mother and I. As for my father, he’s tall and a bit of heavy. He is an engineer who always stays at his office and hardly ever does any exercises. My mother makes an effort to do chores and cook as housewife. We often refer her as a cook because her skill of cook is pretty good. BTW (By the way), my parents have a sense of humor to everyone. So you will get along with us well. After the introduction of my family, you may haven’t learned the daily life of ours. Let me tell you about that. To begin with, we have three meals a day. Western-style food is for breakfast, Chinese meal is for lunch and dinner. Not only is the food balanced and delicious, but also you could learn about Chinese culture from Chinese food. Next month I’ll have summer holiday. I can spare enough time to accompany you. But my father will continue working. My mother will look after my grandma every morning. We usually wake up at around 7 o’clock and neve


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